This year marks the 40th anniversary of Only Fools and Horses, the enormously popular BBC sitcom that follows the life and times of the perpetually down-on-their luck...
Culture, Travel & Sport
The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics placed Russia – previously known for its harsh winters but not, ironically, for winter sports – on the radar of skiers across the world. A...
Cold War Conversations brings together some of the most incredible and moving stories from a period of history that continues to fascinate audiences across the world...
The Caucasus Mountains are widely considered to be one of the frontiers between Europe and Asia, a place were dozens of civilisations, both big and small, interacted...
The ill-conceived idea of a European Super League may be dead – for now – but even without it the prospect of a soccer team from Central and Eastern Europe...
Artistically, the Central and Eastern European region has many feathers in its hat, from famous composers to great works of literature. Film is another medium that has...
April 26 marks the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. We take a look at what the various media depictions of the event get right, what they get wrong, and why...
Polish journalist David Warszawski takes a critical look at Emerging Europe’s Jo Harper’s new book, Our Man in Warszawa: How the West Misread Poland. Experts...
Oskar Żyndul is the organiser of a campaign determined to shake up what he feels is the often lazy – and heavily contested – linkage of Poles to Catholicism...
It’s been almost 30 years since turbo-folk emerged as the premier cultural product of the Western Balkans, and since then it has neither lost its popularity nor its...
Sixty years on from the first manned space flight the journey of Yuri Gagarin around the Earth retains an importance that transcends history and propaganda. April 12...
Ognjen Glavonić’s The Load invites its audience to reflect on the banality of evil and their own roles in perpetuating injustice and intolerance. Before Ognjen...