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Making the most of the Google C4 Dataset

Understanding the inclusion of eDiscovery resources in the C4 Dataset can help researchers and developers improve the quality and diversity of data used to train large language models.

The impact of specific resources within an industry on Large Language Models (LLMs) can be significant in how they process and respond to information.  

The inclusion of eDiscovery-centric resources in the Google C4 Dataset is essential for ensuring the accuracy and relevance of large language model outputs in the eDiscovery context. The C4 dataset from Google contains approximately 750GB of cleaned text data derived from CommonCrawl web pages. Large language models can revolutionise the eDiscovery process by automating tasks ranging from document review to review reporting, and they can save time, reduce costs, and improve the accuracy of eDiscovery outcomes. 

On March 9, ComplexDiscovery published a non-comprehensive list of potentially helpful eDiscovery-centric resources. Given the manageable size of this resource listing and the direct or indirect relevance to the eDiscovery ecosystem of each listed resource, ComplexDiscovery created a truncated listing from an initial grouping of 100+ resources and used the top-level domain names of those resources to search the C4 Dataset.  

This truncation, which included the removal of top-level domain duplicates for multiple resources on the same domain and removing resources not available at the time of the Google C4 Dataset snapshot, resulted in a list of 55 resource domains. 

The objective of searching the top-level domain names of the selected resources within the C4 Dataset was to explore how a very targeted snapshot of eDiscovery resources might be represented in the C4 Dataset. By analysing the representation of eDiscovery resources in the C4 Dataset, professionals in the eDiscovery ecosystem can identify potential biases and limitations in the data used to train large language models.  

This knowledge may enable them to make more informed decisions about the reliability and applicability of AI-generated outputs in their work. 

Understanding the inclusion of eDiscovery resources in the C4 Dataset can help researchers and developers improve the quality and diversity of data used to train large language models. By incorporating a more comprehensive range of eDiscovery-centric resources, models may become better equipped to generate more accurate and relevant responses in the eDiscovery context. By exploring the eDiscovery resources represented in the C4 Dataset, developers can better understand the needs of cybersecurity, information governance, and legal discovery professionals. 

This high-level exploration of selected eDiscovery-centric resources in the Google C4 Dataset has meaningful implications for professionals in the eDiscovery ecosystem. Analysing the representation of selected resources in the dataset may help identify potential biases and limitations, enhance the quality and diversity of data used to train large language models, and encourage transparency in AI development.  

As large language models continue to evolve and become more integrated into the eDiscovery ecosystem, understanding their data sources and potential limitations will be crucial in ensuring their successful application and adoption. 

You can find out more about this subject by reading the full article – Exploring the Inclusion of eDiscovery-Centric Resources in the Google C4 Dataset: A Highly Selective Search – at

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.