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AI integration and regional considerations: eDiscovery industry outlook has valuable lessons for emerging Europe 

A new eDiscovery survey reveals interest in AI adoption, but also concerns about results accuracy, compliance, and skills. The findings likely resonate in emerging Europe, highlighting the need for developing multidisciplinary AI expertise.

A recent eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey conducted by ComplexDiscovery provides valuable insights into the business outlook and AI sentiments of the global community of cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals, including perspectives that may be relevant for emerging Europe. 

The Fall 2023 eDiscovery Business Confidence Survey polled 64 industry executives, with over 90 per cent based in the United States and three pre cent each in Canada and Europe (non-UK). 

The survey results showcase a cautiously optimistic attitude among respondents despite significant ongoing data challenges. Nearly half rate current business conditions as good, with the majority expecting improvements in the next six months. Over 50 per cent predict higher revenues, while over 40 per cent foresee increased profits. 

This generally positive outlook likely extends to professionals in emerging Europe’s growing legal technology industry. However, regional data complexity and regulatory constraints may temper optimism. 

Business challenges and concerns 

The survey identified increasing data types and volumes as the most significant issues impacting eDiscovery business, selected by over 55 per cent of respondents. With data protection laws like GDPR shaping the European landscape, addressing data proliferation is critical. 

Budget constraints and lack of qualified personnel also pose adoption hurdles. Conservative spending and niche skill sets are common challenges in emerging markets. Still, eDiscovery leaders in the region continue pioneering automation and AI to enhance insights and efficiency. 

AI insight and intelligence 

The survey’s AI questions provide valuable perspective on how professionals view integrating large language models (LLMs) and generative AI. Over 75 per cent of respondents are piloting, evaluating, or actively deploying these technologies. 

Improved services and products topped perceived benefits at 36 per cent, followed by enhanced decision-making at 20 per cent. However, results accuracy and regulatory compliance were cited as the biggest challenges. 

Global considerations with regional implications 

These findings likely resonate in emerging Europe. While interest in AI is growing, concerns persist around ethical risks, explainability, and data protection compliance. Regional success will require cultivating multidisciplinary expertise blending law, tech, and business. 

With prudent optimism and concerted skill-building, Emerging Europe can lead in responsible AI integration, capitalising on eDiscovery and legal tech innovations while managing unique regional considerations. The path forward requires harnessing data, technology, and human intelligence in harmony. 

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.