Croatia has started to build a bridge to the Pelješac peninsula, designed to connect the Croatian mainland with its exclave and southernmost region, the...
Tag - Bosnia and Herzegovina
United Group, the largest alternative telecom provider in the Balkans, has announced plans to invest 100 million euros in local content production as a commitment to...
Bosnia and Herzegovina has launched a National Summary Data Page (NSDP) to implement the recommendations of the enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS). The...
The Bulgarian capital Sofia played host on July 7 to a 16+1 summit between China and 16 countries of emerging Europe which are part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative...
Emerging Europe takes a closer look at this year’s EBRD Transition Report, and hears from the bank’s chief economist, Sergei Guriev.
Using arts as a common denominator between cultures, the British-Bosnian charity organisation Most Mira is to open a new arts centre in the Prijedor area, in the...
Public Procurement specialists from across emerging Europe and Central Asia met in Bucharest from May 8-10 to share experiences and best-practices in reforming public...
The last year ended with good news for Bosnia and Herzegovina. After years of political stalemate parliament finally voted in favour of a measure which will secure the...
Emerging Europe speaks to Dragan Šolak, an entrepreneur who has built a Balkan success story and is significantly contributing to the economic development of the region.
The last year ended with good news for Bosnia and Herzegovina. After years of political stalemate parliament finally voted in favour of a measure which will secure the...
“Without a doubt there are still politically difficult issues and we shouldn’t hide from investors. We should be frank, open and honest about trying to resolve them, and...
Bosnia has made progress in lowering internal and external imbalances and enhancing growth potential, according to the International Monetary Fund which in February...