Ever since central Europe’s transition to democracy, the Visegrád Group (V4) has been a cooperative project based on the principle of costs and benefits. In recent times...
Tag - Poland
The world economy has strengthened, with monetary and fiscal stimulus underpinning a broad-based and synchronised improvement in growth rates across most countries...
Poland’s government has made no secret over the past 12 months of its plans to change media rules in a such way that could force some foreign owners out of the country...
Poland’s governing party, Law and Justice (PiS) continues to herald its multiple successes two years after the party won a general election. First, the party’s leader...
A major new logistics center is to be built in the Lviv region of Ukraine close to the border with Poland, offering huge advantages for both countries.
Twice a year, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) publishes its macroeconomic forecasts for 22 countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe...
As much as 354 billion złotys (82.5 billion euros) has been allocated to Poland from the European Union’s 2014-2020 budget. Halfway through the budgetary period...
Half way through its term, how economically successful has Poland’s government been?
Poland’s Sunday trading debate continues. In the original draft of new regulations, the Solidarity trade union wanted all shops, with only a few exceptions, to be closed...
As many as 21 per cent of Poles do not know the main source of funding for the current government’s flagship 500 Plus family benefit programme, and only 38 per cent are...
When, back in April 2015, I had the honour and pleasure of setting up NowoczesnaPL with Ryszard Petru and 19 other eminent individuals, we didn’t expect that Law and...
By September 2018, Poland will no longer be ranked by FTSE Russell as an Emerging Market (FTSE Emerging All Cap), but as a Developed Market (FTSE Developed All Cap Ex...