
Income of Hungary’s leading 100 companies adds up to fifth of country’s GDP

The income of the top 100 Hungarian companies amount to more than 8,922 billion forints (almost 27 billion euros), which represents 21 per cent of the country’s 2018 GDP and was seven per cent higher than revenues from 2017, Forbes Hungary has reported in its latest ranking of the most valuable Hungarian firms.

Luxembourg-based Docler Group, which is owned by Hungarian businessman György Gattyán, tops the Forbes ranking with more than 208 billion forints (628 million euros) of income in 2018. Hungarian industrial group Videoton Holding was ranked second with 171.5 billion forints (more than 517 million euros), with Singapore-based industrial corporation MPF Holding coming in third with 166.2 billion forints (almost 502 million euros).

The three are followed by real estate developer Gránit Pólus Group (410 million euros), Dayton Invest, another real estate firm (407 million euros) and Bonafarm, a group of agribusiness companies owned by Sándor Csányi, Hungary’s second richest person (370.5 million euros).

The construction company Duna Group, which is owned by László Szíjj, a businessman with close ties to Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, has emerged as the seventh most valuable firm with income of almost 358 million euros.

Plastics manufacturer Jász-Plasztik, real estate developer Futureal and MET Group, a natural gas trader owned by Hungarian businessman and MOL Group, the country’s national oil company, also made it to the top 10.

New entrants to the ranking are stone mining firm Dolomit (ranked 88th) and property developer BDPST Group (ranked 91st), companies that are owned by Győző Orbán and István Tiborcz, the Hungarian PM’s father and son-in-law and which are worth 31.7 and 30.2 million euros, respectively.