With energy prices stabilising and European gas consumption decreasing, LNG terminals risk becoming costly, stranded assets. In the immediate aftermath of Russia’s...
Money from CEE is flowing into western Europe in the shape of investment and key acquisitions. But it’s not all welcome. It’s the oldest brand name in travel...
On paper, Georgia’s economy is doing relatively well. But a pivotal parliamentary election in October could significantly alter the country’s economic direction...
Historically, Poland has not been a major destination for migrants, but the country’s growing economy has become a significant pull factor. That success creates...
From start-ups using animation to teach young people new languages to one of the world’s biggest anime brands, Moldova is home to an increasingly dynamic animation...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has shuffled his pack ahead of what he has suggested will be “an extremely important autumn”. Did he jump or was he pushed...
airBaltic announced this week that it was moving forward with an IPO that will enable not only financial investors but also private retail investors to become...
Investment in the Roma is not only urgently needed but is also one of the most economically viable ways to respond to the current labour market crisis. It’s a dual...
In developing economies, banks dominate the financial sector, unlike in advanced economies where the financial sector is more diversified. In almost 60 per cent of banks...
In today’s economy, the availability of talent (now and in the future), talent retention, as well as the capacity for innovation are far more influential than geographic...
By overturning four years of Estonian dominance to become Emerging Europe’s new investment promotion champion, Latvia confirms that it really is no longer the Baltic...
With the right mix of policy, innovation, and investment, Slovakia has the potential to not just maintain its current status but to rise as a leading economy in Central...