
Small increase in Poland’s use of renewables

The share of green energy sources in Poland’s annual energy consumption slightly increased to 11.16 per cent in 2018, 0.26 more than in 2017, Polish news outlet TFN has reported.

According to recent data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), the country’s gross power consumption grew by 1.13 per cent last year, with the use of green energy sources being up by 3.48 per cent.

More than two-thirds (68.88 per cent) of all renewable energy came from the use of solid biofuels while wind energy accounted for 12.55 per cent. Liquid biofuels are the third most used form of green energy with 10.33 per cent.

The Polish media pointed out that the country was unlikely to reach the 15 per cent share of renewables in its overall energy mix by the end of 2020, as set by the EU, given the three-five per cent of annual economic growth over the past four years.

The country did, however, make considerable progress in increasing the use of renewables in the transport sector, where usage jumped 40 per cent in 2018,

Even here however, reaching the 2020 target of 10 per cent usage in the sector as a whole still looks unlikely.