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Operational art in eDiscovery: A strategic approach to international expansion 

Creating an international presence for a legal technology services provider requires careful planning, strong execution, and adapting to changing circumstances.

The recent article published by ComplexDiscovery titled, Considering International eDiscovery Expansion? Don’t Forget Operational Art, provides a unique perspective on the application of operational art in the eDiscovery business.

The piece explores how this concept, widely used in military operations to plan and execute campaigns, can be leveraged by eDiscovery providers to plan and execute their international expansion strategies. 

Operational art, as defined in the article, refers to the planning and execution of operations at a level between strategic (long-term goals) and tactical (immediate actions) levels. In a business context, operational art involves: 

  • Analysing the business environment. 
  • Identifying opportunities and threats. 
  • Developing and implementing plans to leverage those opportunities and mitigate threats. 

The article emphasizes that creating an international presence for a legal technology services provider requires careful planning, strong execution, and adapting to changing circumstances. These principles are akin to a military building on tactical victories through operational art to achieve strategic success. 

The article outlines a five-step approach to international expansion using operational art. This includes identifying target markets, developing a clear expansion plan, establishing a local presence, adapting to local conditions, and monitoring and adjusting as needed. 

The article also discusses the potential revenue opportunities for eDiscovery providers looking to expand internationally. It highlights North America, Europe, Asia, and Latin America as potential markets with strong revenue potential. Still, it stresses the importance of assessing potential clients’ specific needs and preferences in each market. 

The importance of this information for cybersecurity, information governance, and eDiscovery professionals and providers is multifold: 

  • It provides a strategic framework for international expansion, which is crucial in an increasingly globalised market. 
  • It highlights the importance of adaptability and continuous monitoring in ensuring long-term success. 
  • It underscores the potential of international markets as sources of revenue growth, which is vital for business sustainability and competitiveness. 

Applying operational art in eDiscovery business environments can be a valuable tool for providers seeking to expand their operations internationally.

By leveraging resources such as industry investors, industry associations, professional networks, online reviews and ratings, industry publications, consultants and advisors, and research firms, eDiscovery providers can better understand the eDiscovery ecosystem and identify the best expansion opportunities for their business needs. 

CITE: Robinson, R. (2023) Considering International eDiscovery Expansion? Don’t Forget Operational Art, ComplexDiscovery. Available here.

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.