Giuseppe Carone & Per Eckefeldt Both Giuseppe Carone and Per Eckefeldt work in the Fiscal Policy and Policy Mix Directorate, Directorate General for Economic and...
Ghia Abashidze Freelancer political analyst and PR consultant with 15-years experience as a political officer in the EU, UN and ICRC missions in...
Sevki Acuner Sevki Acuner is Head of Ukraine at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Shaig Adigozalov Shaig Adigozalov is the director of the economic analysis department at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.
Olga Afanasyeva Olga Afanasyeva is Executive Director of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Asscoaition (UVCA). She has got PhD...
David Akopyan David Akopyan is a native Armenian who has spent the last 20 years of his career as a development practitioner. He is now Chief...
Sergei Aleinik Sergei Aleinik is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the United Kingdom of Great Britain...
Audrey L Altstadt Audrey L. Altstadt is professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is the author of three books, most...
Radoslaw Antczak Radoslaw Antczak is an Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. His research interests include well-being of older...
Yury Antoniuk Yury Antoniuk is President of the IT Ukraine Association, which currently has around 40 members — leading Ukrainian IT companies.
Piotr Arak Piotr Arak is the director of the Polish Economic Institute, a public think tank in Warsaw.
Erich Arispe Erich Arispe is a senior director in Fitch Ratings’ sovereigns group. He is responsible for analysis and ratings of sovereigns in...
Marta Aserigadu Marta Aserigadu is RPO Manager at Hays Poland, where she is responsible for recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) solutions. She...
Irakli Aslanishvili Irakli Aslanishvili is executive director of the Business Association of Georgia (BAG). He previously worked for leading Georgian...
Anders Åslund Anders Åslund is chairman of the Advisory Council of CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research) in Warsaw.
Vasily Astrov Vasily Astrov is senior economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW). He's been working as an...
Wladimir Augustinski Dr. Wladimir Augustinski is the head of the Representative Office of German Economy in Belarus (RGE), which is a part of the...
Jennifer Austin Jennifer Austin is co-founder of Risky Business, the first acceleration fund in Romania. In 2013, Jennifer moved from California...
Emil Avdaliani Emil Avdaliani teaches history and international relations at Tbilisi State University and Ilia State University.
Alexander Averyanov Alexander Averyanov is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Poland.
Gabriela Baicu Gabriela Baicu is an associate professor at the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
Georgina Baker Georgina Baker is Vice President for Latin American and the Caribbean, and Europe and Central Asia, for the International Finance...
Eva S Balogh Eva S. Balogh taught East European history at Yale and published a number of studies on Hungarian foreign policy and party...
László Balogh László Balogh is Deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Economy, responsible for financial policy affairs. In...
Bruno Balvanera Bruno Balvanera is Director for the Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)...
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan is associate director of Migration Policy Institute’s international programme and a non-resident fellow...
David Baron David Baron is the Washington, D.C. based Chairman of the Belarus-U.S. Business Council and a shareholder in the International...
Andrei Bastunets Andrei Bastunets is a vastly experienced journalist who is currently the chairperson of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
Zoltán Batka Zoltán Batka is a business and an investigative journalist at Népszava, a Hungarian daily. Prior to that, we worked for...
Balki Bayhan Balki Bayhan researches authoritarian politics and stability with a focus on Turkey and post-Soviet countries at the Centre for...
Dimitar Bechev Dimitar Bechev is a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard, and Director of the European Policy Institute...
Vladimir Beck Vladimir Beck has been Chairman of the European Business Association IT Committee since its inception and is the founder and a...
Armend Bekaj Armend Bejak is a Senior Programme Officer with International IDEA’s Democracy Assessment and Political Analysis Unit.
Alon Ben-Meir Dr Alon Ben-Meir is a retired professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He taught courses on...
Tim Bennett Tim Bennett is a former US trade negotiator and served as director-general/CEO of the TransAtlantic Business Council for over...
Genti Beqiri Genti Beqiri is Chief Executive Officer of the Albanian Investment Development Agency. He completed Finance and Accounting at the...
Anna Berczyńska Anna Berczyńska is Director of the Rockwool Global Business Service Centre in Poznań, Poland, established in September 2016 and...
Zygmunt Berdychowski Zygmunt Berdychowski is Chairman of the Krynica Economic Forum Programme Council and a co-founder of the Institute of Eastern...
Daniel Berg Daniel Berg is a member of the executive board of the Hungarian opposition party Momentum (Renew Europe). He is vice-president of...
Daniel Berg Daniel Berg is Country Head of Serbia at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Tamar Beruchashvili HE Tamar Beruchashvili has been the Ambassador of Georgia to the UK and Permanent Representative of Georgia to the International...
Punit Bhatia Punit Bhatia is one of the world's leading privacy experts who has worked with professionals in over 30 countries. Punit guides...
Rajiv K. Bhatia Ambassador Rajiv K. Bhatia is the Director General of the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA).
Florian Bieber Florian Bieber is a political scientist working on inter-ethnic relations, ethnic conflict and nationalism, focusing on...
Jakub Bierzyński Jerzy Bierzyński is a sociologist, entrepreneur, investor, commentator on the media market and social issues, and the CEO at OMD...
Oana Bizgan Oana Bizgan is a strategy and commercial professional with more than 10 years of experience within a multinational environment...
Liridon Blakaj Liridon Blakaj is the Prishtina representative of AICS, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
Teodor Blidarus Teodor Blidarus is a managing partner at Softelligence Romania and president of the Employers’ Association of the Software and...
Mihai Bogdan Mihai Bogdan is Managing Director of Brand Finance Romania. Brand Finance is a leading independent branded business valuation and...
Marina Borovko Marina Borovko is Deputy Chairwoman of the European Business Association in Minsk and an Associate Professor at the Belarusian...
Sarah Bressan Sarah Bressan is a research associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin.
Filip Brokeš Filip Brokeš is an independent Czech journalist currently oscillating between Berlin and St. Petersburg.
Ian Brown Ian Brown is Head of Office Bosnia and Herzegovina at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Rogers Brubaker Rogers Brubaker is Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and recurrent visiting Professor in...
Cristian Buchiu Cristian Buchiu is the deputy head of the European Commission Representation in Romania, where he coordinates the political...
Piotr Buras Piotr Buras is director of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations think tank; he is an expert on European...
Luka Burilović Luka Burilović is President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK). Before he served as Chairman of the Board, „SLADORANA“ d.d...
Michael Buryk Mike Buryk is a freelance technology writer and the producer and host of the podcast Made in Ukraine Tech Startup Edition.
Ana Catauta Ana Catauta is a Romanian political communications consultant. She is founder of New Machiavelli Communications.
Marko Čeperković Marko Čeperković is a maître de conférences at SciencesPo Paris and director of strategy at Brasidas Group.
Sir Suma Chakrabarti Sir Suma Chakrabarti is the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Mariia Chaplia Mariia Chaplia is Communications Associate Intern at Students for Liberty. She studied law at the Taras Shevchenko National...
Stepan Chernovetskyi Stepan Chernovetskyi is the founder and CEO of Chernovetskyi Investment Group, a venture capital firm specialising in funding...
Denis Chetverikov Denis Chetverikov is Director of Research and Advisory Department, Colliers International, Belarus.
Petar Cholakov Dr Petar Cholakov is a Senior Lecturer in Political Conflicts at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge of the...
Filip Chraska Filip Chráska is a member of the Association for International Affairs (AMO), a Prague-based think tank.
Ciprian Ciucu Ciprian Ciucu is an opposition councillor at Bucharest City Hall. He hopes to become the city's mayor in next year's local...
Matteo Colangeli Matteo Colangeli is Country Head of Albania at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Cristian Colţeanu Cristian Colţeanu is GE President & CEO for Romania, Bulgaria and Republic of Moldova.
Philip Cox Philip Cox is Vice-President of APEV Romania, the Wine Exporters’ and Producers’ Association of Romania, which groups wine...
Santiago Croci Downes Santiago Croci Downes is Acting Manager, Doing Business Unit, World Bank. He joined the Doing Business team in March 2008. Prior...
Claudia Crummenerl Claudia Crummenerl is the managing director, people and organisation practice at Capgemini Invent
Zselyke Csaky Zselyke Csaky is a senior researcher for Nations in Transit, Freedom House’s annual survey of democracy from Central Europe to...
Clark Curtis Clark Curtis is a former director of communications at the College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte.
Marek Dąbrowski Dr Marek Dąbrowski is a non-resident scholar at Bruegel in Brussels, a Professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and...
Andrzej Dąbrowski Andrzej Dąbrowski is an analyst of the United States foreign policy at the Polish Institute for International Affairs. His areas...
Daniel Dăianu Professor Daniel Dăianu is an economist and politician, a member of the Board of the National Bank of Romania.
David Dalton David Dalton is an analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit covering Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.
Michele Daryanani Michele Daryanani is an award-winning cyber thought-leader that has assisted clients across Europe, the Middle-East and Africa in...
Zhidas Daskalovski Zhidas Daskalovski is a professor of political science, and one of the most prominent political scientists in the country. He is...
Francis P. Delaey Francis P Delaey manages the operations of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Belarus. He previously...
Magdalena Dembinska Magdalena Dembinska is associate professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Montreal. She completed a...
Judy Dempsey Judy Dempsey is a nonresident Senior Associate at Carnegie Europe and Editor-in-Chief of the Strategic Europe blog. She is also...
Gunter Deuber Gunter Deuber is head of economics, fixed income and FX research at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna. In this role he acts...
Marcin Diakonowicz Marcin Diakonowicz is CE German Desk Leader, Partner, Audit & Assurance at Deloitte. He has has extensive auditing experience...
Peter Dickinson Peter Dickinson is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council and publisher of Business Ukraine and Lviv Today magazines.
Rumen Dobrinsky Rumen Dobrinsky is Senior Research Associate at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) and country expert...
Wiktor Doktór Wiktor Doktór is CEO of ProProgressio, a business services consulting and advisory organisation, a CEE partner of the Global...
Anna Donáth Anna Donáth is a Hungarian politician. She was elected as an MEP for the Momentum Movement (Reform Europe) in the 2019 European...
Andriy Dovbenko Andriy Dovbenko is Managing Partner at N&D Law Firm. He started his career in 2007, when he graduated from the National...
Denis Dovgopoliy Denis Dovgopoliy is a leading member of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and entrepreneurial community. He is the managing partner...
Gabriela Dragan Gabriela Dragan is General Director of the European Institute of Romania (EIR) and Director of the Romanian Journal of European...
Iulia Dragut Dr Iulia Dragut is president of the Euro-Est Alternative Cultural Association (ACEEA) and an international culinary judge. She...
Radu Dumitrescu Radu George Dumitrescu is the former editor-in-chief of The New Federalist and currently a Ph.D. student in political science at...
Vladimíra Dvořáková Vladimíra Dvořáková is a professor of political science at the University of Economics, Prague.
Boris Dzhingarov Boris Dzhingarov is a marketer and a journalist. He graduated from he the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in...
Vladimir Đorđević Vladimir Đorđević is Lecturer at the Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Social Studies of...
Fatih Kemal Ebiçlioğlu Fatih Kemal Ebiçlioğlu is the president for Durable Goods Group at Koç Holding, Turkey’s leading investment holding company and...
Ruben Elamiryan Ruben Elamiryan holds a PhD in Political Science, and is assistant to the Chair of Political Governance and Public Policy at the...
Gregor Famira Gregor Famira is partner at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz and founder of the company’s offices in Zagreb (2003) and Ljubljana (2008)...
Konstantyn Fedorenko Konstantyn Fedorenko is a junior research fellow at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. He was awarded his Master degree...
András Fekete-Győr Andras Fekete-Győr is the president of a new Hungarian political movement, Momentum.
Tomasz Filipiak Tomasz Filipiak is a political scientist, Europeanist and an English philologist. He graduated from the College of Europe in...
Erwan Fouéré Erwan Fouéré is Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels; he had a career spanning...
George Friedman George Friedman is a geopolitical strategist. He is the founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures, an online publication that...
Iakov Frizis Iakov Frizis is an economist at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE), specialising in macroeconomic analyses and...
Alexander Frost Alexander Frost is Head of Global Risk Intelligence and Data at Axco Insurance Information Services.
Agnieszka Gajewska Agnieszka Gajewska is a partner at PwC Poland, global government and public services leader, CEE ESG leader.
Kinga Gajewska Kinga Gajewska is a Polish MP who sits on the parliamentary committees for Education, Science and Youth, as well Justice and...
Alexander Galitsky Alexander Galitsky is founder and a managing partner of Almaz Capital Partners, an international venture fund based in Portola...
Eli Gateva Eli Gateva is an assistant professor in comparative politics at the University of Nottingham.
Georgiy Geletukha Dr Georgiy Geletukha is Head of the Board at the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABio). He has served as director of the...
Yasen Georgiev Yasen Georgiev is executive director of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) – a Sofia-based think tank that provides economic...
Eleonora Georgieva Eleonora Georgieva works in the digital communications department at Raiffeisen Bank Bulgaria.
Łukasz Gibała Dr Łukasz Gibała is a independent Polish MP, former entrepreneur who had co-founded two successful businesses which he sold when...
Ariana Gic Ariana Gic is a political and legal analyst, and director of the Direct Initiative International Centre for Ukraine.
Givi Gigitashvili Givi Gigitashvili is a research assistant for the Caucasus at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) based...
Richard Giragosian Richard Giragosian is the founding director of the Regional Studies Centre (RSC), an independent “think tank” located in Yerevan...
Borjan Gjuzelov Borjan Gjuzelov is a PhD candidate at Queen Mary University London. He has authored several articles and policy analyses on...
Krzysztof Głowacki Krzysztof Głowacki is an economist at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw, Poland, with a specialisation...
Michael Göbbel Michael Göbbel is completing a Masters in Public Administration at Peking University and has previously worked for the US Senate...
Florin Godean Florin Godean is country manager of Adecco Romania and president of the Romanian Association of Temporary Work Agents (ARAMT). He...
Bogdan Góralczyk Professor Bogdan Góralczyk is Director at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, and a former Ambassador of Poland to...
Michael Green Michael Green is Chief Executive Officer of the Social Progress Imperative. An economist by training, he is co-author (with...
Richard Grieveson Richard Grieveson is an economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies — wiiw.
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse is a sociologist, political scientist and historian. He is a professor at Warsaw University and an expert...
Julia Grübler Julia Grübler is an economist at the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (wiiw).
Jelica Grujić Jelica Grujić is Director of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA). Before coming to FIPA, she...
Igar Gubarevich Igar Gubarevich is a senior analyst at the Ostrogorski Centre based in Minsk. He grew up in Bielaaziorsk in the Brest region and...
Murray Gunn Murray Gunn is head of global research at Elliott Wave International (
Dimitri Gvindadze Dimitri Gvindadze is Head of Moldova at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Till Hahndorf Till Hahndorf is Managing Director of BW Business Bridge, which identifies and certifies high-quality ICT product and service...
Chris Halward Chris Halward is a former director of the Global Sourcing Association’s (GSA), and remains a member of its council. He also runs...
Nicholas S. Hammond Nicholas Hammond was the first English solicitor to open an office in Romania in 1990. He had started his career in the City of...
Mazen Hamwieh Mazen Hamwieh is a project director at RRY Capital. He is responsible for all managerial and operational project tasks associated...
Anca Harasim Anca Harasim has been the executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania since 2000.
Heike Harmgart Dr Heike Harmgart is Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Jordan. She has been working in the...
Florian Hartleb Dr Florian Hartleb is a German political scientist currently working in Tallinn, Estonia as a political consultant dealing with...
Christopher A. Hartwell Christopher A. Hartwell is Professor of Financial Systems Resilience at Bournemouth University (UK), Professor of International...
Peter Havlik Peter Havlik is former Deputy Director of The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and co-author of the...
Oleh Havrylyshyn Professor Oleh Havrylyshyn is a former Deputy Minister of Finance and International Affairs in the first Ukrainian government...
Janet Heckman Janet Heckman is Managing Director for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region at the European bank for...
Annika Hedberg Annika Hedberg is the head of a Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme at the European Policy Centre.
Stefan Hedlund Stefan Hedlund is professor and research director at the Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Finn Heinrich Finn Heinrich is Director of Research at Transparency International. He joined TI’s Policy and Research Department in August 2008...
Michael Heller Michael Heller, CFA, is Real Estate Investment Analyst at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna.
Mike Herrington Mike Herrington is Executive Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) which is part of the Global Entrepreneurship...
Tale Heydarov Tale Heydarov is a leading Azerbaijani businessman, passionate about sport, education and culture. He has helped to promote...
Michael Hindley Michael Hindley is an adviser on trade relations to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), including reports on...
Shanu S.P. Hinduja Shanu Hinduja is chair of Hinduja Bank and co-chair of the United Nations Global Accelerator.
Cecilia Hjertzell Cecilia Hjertzell is a Swedish entrepreneur within the tech industry. She serves as board member and senior business advisor to a...
Lukáš Hlaváč Lukáš Hlaváč is the Founder of Whoolala, an online marketplace that enables its users to discover and share their fashion sense...
Ben Hodges Lieutenant General Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III is a retired United States Army officer who served as commanding general...
Glen Hodgson Glen Hodgson is the CEO of the think tank Free Trade Europa and Secretary General of Freelance Movement.
Jonathan Hollis Jonathan Hollis is the Managing Partner of Mountside Ventures, whose mission is to optimise the fundraising process for European...
Mario Holzner Mario Holzner is the deputy director of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).
Kateřina Hošková Kateřina Hošková is a student of International Economic Relations at the University of Economics, Prague. Her research interests...
Tony Housh Tony Housh is a senior counsellor for the international strategic advisory firm APCO Worldwide and the principal of CGC Advisors...
Danuta Hübner Danuta Hübner MEP is the chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs.
Gabor Hunya Gabor Hunya is a Senior Economist at wiiw and country expert for Romania and Bulgaria, focusing on macroeconomic analysis and...
Martin Hurt Martin Hurt is Deputy Director and Member of the Executive Board at the International Centre for Defence and Security in Estonia...
Fatmir Hyseni Fatmir Hyseni is Marketing & Business Development Manager for Kosbit – a leading IT outsourcing company in SE Europe. As an...
Matti Hyyrynen Matti Hyyrynen is Head of the Baltics at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). He joined the Bank in 2001...
Aida Ibisevic Aida Ibisevic is a marketing strategist and writer by day, food photographer and recipe developer by night. Her time is divided...
Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska Professor Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska is Rector of Łazarski University in Warsaw; she is an economist and demographer; between 1996...
Ivars Ījabs Ivars Ījabs, a Latvian political scientist and publicist and an associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the...
Angelo Ilardi Angelo Ilardi is the president of the Italy-Belarus Chamber of Commerce. He is also the president of the In-world Special...
Kirill Ilinski Kirill Ilinski is co-founder and Managing Partner of Fusion Asset Management, specialising in Portfolio Management and Advisory...
Bozhidar Ivanov Bozhidar Ivanov is associate professor at the Institute of Agricultural Economics Sofia (IAE)..
Edgars Ivanovs Edgars Ivanovs is the developer of the Urban Powerhouse concept. He has 12 years’ experience in urban innovation and the real...
Andrzej Jajszczyk Professor Andrzej Jajszczyk is Director of the National Science Centre and a professor at AGH University of Science and...
Nikola Janković Nikola Janković is Director of the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) and Chairman of the Working Group on...
Jyri Jäntii Jyri Jäntii is a Finn currently completing his studies in International Relations at Tallinn University, while working as a...
Balázs Jarábik Balázs Jarábik is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his research focuses on Eastern...
Leszek Jażdżewski Leszek Jażdżewski is editor-in-chief and a co-founder of Polish liberal quarterly magazine Liberté! He is also one of the...
Tomáš Jelínek Tomáš Jelínek is a member and a former Chairman of the Institute for Social and Economic Analyses (ISEA) and Executive Director...
Vedrana Jelušić Kašić Vedrana Jelušić Kašić is EBRD Director, Croatia. She joined the EBRD in London in 1998 and was transferred to the Zagreb office...
Vladimir Jokić Vladimir Jokić was elected president of Kotor Municipality in February 2017. He is the youngest president of the municipality in...
Irena Joveva Irena Joveva, 30, is a newly elected member of the European Parliament representing Slovenia.
Alexander Kaffka Alexander Kaffka, a native Georgian, is Executive Editor of Review of Business and Economics Studies and Publisher of Georgian...
Marina Kaljurand Marina Kaljurand has been chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) since March 2017. She served as...
Iga Kamocka Iga Kamocka is a project manager at the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation. Her projects are related to urban development, civil...
Artis Kampars Artis Kampars is a Latvian entrepreneur and politician, a former MP and former minister of economy. He is secretary general of...
Stefánia Kapronczay Stefánia Kapronczay is executive director of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. She graduated cum laude from the Faculty of Law...
Svyatoslav Kaspe Dr Svyatoslav Kaspe (Moscow) is a professor at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Faculty of Social...
Avtandil Kasradze Avtandil Kasradze is the deputy chairman of Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA).
Daphne Kasriel-Alexander Daphne Kasriel-Alexander works as Consumer Trends Consultant with Euromonitor International. She commissions analysis on consumer...
Claudia Kemfert Claudia Kemfert is head of the energy, transportation and environment department at the German Institute for Economic Research...
John Keppel John Keppel is a Partner and President at the ISG Executive Board and leads ISG EMEA and Asia. John's nine years at ISG have...
James Ker-Lindsay James Ker-Lindsay is Senior Visiting Fellow at LSEE-Research on South East Europe, London School of Economics and Political...
Ofer Kerzner Ofer Kerzner is an Israeli businessman, philanthropist and the honorary consul of Ukraine in Jerusalem
Inna Kharchenko Inna Kharchenko is General Manager at Adecco Ukraine/Avanta HR Solutions. She has worked for the company since January 2015...
Oleg Khusaenov Oleg Khusaenov is CEO, the founding partner and sponsor of ZubrCapital. He has over 20 years of business experience in Russia...
Anthony Kim Anthony Kim is research manager and the editor of the Index of Economic Freedom, the Heritage Foundation.
Valeriya Klymenko Valeriya Klymenko is a foreign policy analyst and English editor of the National Security and Defence Journal at the Razumkov...
Jonathan Knott Jonathan Knott is Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Hungary. He had previously held a variety of diplomatic posts at home and abroad...
Tomáš Koláčný Just 26, Tomáš Koláčný has been active in Czech politics for more than eight years. He is currently the deputy mayor of Brno.
István Kollai István Kollai is an assistant professor of the Institute of World Economy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and the former...
Wojciech Konończuk Wojciech Konończuk is a senior fellow at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in Warsaw, where he heads the department for...
Dmytro Korbut Dmytro Korbut is a counsel at Sayenko Kharenko. He has more than 15-years’ experience of practicing law, specialising in M&A...
Andrey Kortunov Andrey Kortunov is the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council.
Valeria Kostyugova Valeria Kostyugova is a political analyst and strategist. She is the head of the Agency of Policy Expertise at the Belarusian...
Jan Kovář Jan Kovář is a senior research fellow at the Institutive of International Relations in Prague.
Paweł Kowal Pawel Kowal, Phd, is a Polish politician, political scientist and historian. A former secretary of state in Poland’s Ministry of...
Krzysztof Kowaluk Krzysztof Kowaluk is a political scientist interested in the Balkans and Central Europe. He received a PhD from Warsaw University...
Péter Krekó Péter Krekó is a social psychologist and political scientist. He has been the executive director of Political Capital since 2011.
Libor Krkoška Libor Krkoška has been Head of EBRD Resident Office in Nicosia, Cyprus, since August 2014. He joined the EBRD in 1997, initially...
Dzmitry Kruk Dzmitry Kruk is a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Centre (BEROC). His main research interests are...
Karel Kučera Karel Kučera is CEO of CzechInvest, the Czech Investment and Business Development Agency. Prior to that he held managerial...
Piotr Kuczyński Piotr Kuczyński is Chief Analyst of Xelion Financial Advisors. He has been an active investor since 1993. Since 2000, he has been...
Ludger Kühnhardt Professor Ludger Kühnhardt is Director of the Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI) and professor of political science at...
Davor Kunc Davor Kunc works in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement as Programme Manager for...
Olexandr Kyrychenko Olexandr Kyrychenko is the Head of the Russian department at IMD Solicitors LLP. Specialising in corporate matters and commercial...
Maximilien Lambertson Maximilien Lambertson is an analyst in the Europe team at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). He covers economic and political...
Joseph Larsen Joseph Larsen is a policy analyst with the Georgian Institute of Politics in Tbilisi. His research interests are security and...
Pavel A Laschenko Pavel A Laschenko is EY Country Managing Partner for Belarus, Assurance with 22 year working experience in auditing and banking...
Kanstantsin Lashkevich Kanstantsin Lashkevich is editor-in-chief at, a leading tech news website in Belarus. He has 12 years of experience with...
Mark Le Gros Allen Mark Le Gros Allen is a CASE Fellow based in Warsaw. He is a former Director of Policy at the IMF and a former IMF Regional...
Bartosz Lech Bartosz Lech is the co-founder of the Polish Green party. A consultant in the field of elections and human rights, he works with...
Christopher Lehmann Christopher Lehmann is the Executive Director of the CEELI Institute, an independent not-for-profit organization based in Prague...
Stefan Lehne Stefan Lehne is a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, where his research focuses on the post–Lisbon Treaty...
Dr Michael Leigh Sir Michael Leigh is a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States and adjunct professor at the Paul H...
Vedrana Likan Vedrana Likan is Managing Partner at Colliers for Croatia, BiH and Slovenia. She is also President of the Board of the British...
Igor Likhogrud Igor Likhogrud is Chairman of the Board Moscow-Minsk Bank. He has been working in banking since 1995. Started career as fx...
Eric Livny Eric Livny is founder and president at Tbilinomics Policy Advisors, and chair of the Economic Policy Committee at the...
Jeremy Luedi Jeremy Luedi is the Web Editor and frequent contributor at Global Risk Insights (GRI), and has worked for NGOs and political...
Adrian Lupusor Adrian Lupuşor is Executive Director of Expert-Grup, a leading think tank in the Republic of Moldova. He is a PhD candidate at...
Alex Lutskiy Alex Lutskiy is a co-founder and CEO at Innovecs, a global software development company.
Aleksander Łaszek Aleksander Łaszek is Chief Economist and Vice President of the Civil Development Forum.
Peter M. Tase Peter M. Tase is the author of five books on Azerbaijan’s archaeology, foreign policy and ancient history
Violetta Małek Violetta Małek is the managing partner of Gekko advisoryNOW, and the academic director of the Business Service Centre...
David R. Marples David R. Marples is Distinguished Professor, Department of History, Classics, and Religion, University of Alberta.
Anne-Marie Martin Anne-Marie Martin is the director for global business networks at the British Chambers of Commerce.
Marek Materek Marek Materek is mayor of Starachowice, Poland, and the youngest mayor in the country. He was recently re-elected for a second...
Tamas Matura Tamas Matura is an assistant professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest and the founder of the Central and Eastern European...
Anita McKinna Anita McKinna has been researching issues related to Kosovo and the Balkans since the late 1990s. She completed her PhD on the...
Saahil Menon Saahil Menon is an investment analyst with a background in business economics and finance.
Giles Merritt Giles Merritt founded Friends of Europe in 1999, and its policy journal Europe’s World in 2005. His latest book is Slippery...
Michael Mesquita Michael Mesquita is a Senior Analyst (CIS) at West Sands Advisory Limited. Michael is involved in a longstanding project focused...
Sebastian Metz Sebastian Metz is the general manager of the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania), the official...
Velimir Mijušković Velimir Mijušković is President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Vice President of the Forum Ionian Adriatic Chamber...
Hugues Mingarelli Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli is Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. Earlier he worked as a Senior Adviser on Global Strategy...
Lincoln Mitchell Lincoln Mitchell is a writer, pundit and specialist in political development based in New York City and San Francisco. He has...
Rudradeb Mitra Rudradeb Mitra is a serial entrepreneur who has been living in Europe for past 14 years. As a graduate of the University of...
Witold Modzelewski Witold Modzelewski is President of the Institute of Tax Studies, Professor of Law and Administration at Warsaw University and a...
Martin Mojžiš Martin Mojžiš is an associate professor of physics at the Comenius University in Bratislava and also an editor of .týždeň...
Richard Mole Dr Richard Mole is a Political Sociologist at University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies. He...
Mateusz Morawiecki Mateusz Morawiecki is the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Finance for Poland. He was a member of the task...
Giulio Moreno Giulio Moreno is Head of Montenegro at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Earlier he serves as the...
Veronika Movchan Veronika Movchan is Academic Director at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting - IER (Kyiv, Ukraine) and a...
Morten Munk Morten Munk is Honorary Consul of Ukraine to Denmark and CEO of Mafcon, an international consultancy firm specialising in...
Igor Munteanu Dr Igor Munteanu is a Moldovan MP and managing director of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives, one of the...
Ayaz Museyibov Ayaz Museyibov is a financial analyst at the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of Azerbaijan Republic
Thibault Muzergues Thibault Muzergues is Europe Programme Director at the International Republican Institute and author of The Great Class Shift...
Alisa Muzergues Alisa Muzergues is a specialist in EU neighbourhood policy at the think tank GLOBSEC.
Martin Mycielski Martin Mycielski is a pro-democracy activist, political commentator and former Brussels correspondent for leading Polish daily...
Zuzana Nehajova Zuzana Nehajova is InnovEYtion Hub leader at EY Czech Republic and much more besides. She manages smart projects across the CESA...
Arne Niemann Arne Niemann is Professor of International Politics and Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration Studies at the Department...
Natallia Nikandrova Natallia Nikandrova is Director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatisation of the Republic of Belarus. Earlier she...
Alexander Nosachenko Alexander Nosachenko has been Managing Director of Colliers International in Ukraine since 2006.
Damir Novinić Damir Novinić is Managing Director of the Agency for Investments and Competitiveness and has more than 15 years of experience in...
Alina-Cristina Nuță Alina Cristina Nuţă is an associate professor in the Department of Finance and Business Administration at Danubius University...
Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Prince Michael of Liechtenstein is founder and chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG,
Kateryna Oliinyk Kateryna Oliinyk is the head of Intellectual Property Practice at Arzinger Law office and the head of the IP Committee of the...
Josef Olmert Dr Josef Olmert is a former director of the Government Press Office and advisor to former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. In 1999...
Roman Opimakh Roman Opimakh is Executive Director of Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine. He was the advisor to the Minister of Energy and...
Sergiu Oprescu Sergiu Oprescu is executive president of Alpha Bank Romania and president of the board of directors, at the Romanian Association...
Freddy Opsomer Freddy Opsomer is chairman of the board at the Free Economic Zone in Kaunas, Lithuania.He has been working the Belgian National...
Witold M. Orłowski Professor Witold Orłowski is Chief Economic Adviser for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Poland, Director of the Warsaw University of...
Richard Overy Richard Overy is professor of history at the University of Exeter. His books include The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's...
Martin Oxley Martin Oxley is Strategy Adviser of UK Trade and Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. He has spent the last 20 years working...
Andris Ozols Andris Ozols is Director of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA). His dynamic leadership style has revitalised...
Anders Paalzow Professor Anders Paalzow is Rector of Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. He is also Chairman of the Board for the Baltic...
Khrystyna Parandii Khrystyna Parandii is the Clara Marina O’Donnell fellow (2019-20) at the Centre for European Reform. Her research focuses on EU...
Mihai Patrulescu Mihai Patrulescu is head of Strategic Analysis at Colliers International in Romania. Prior to this position, he coordinated the...
Yevgenya Jenny Paturyan Yevgenya Jenny Paturyan is an Assistant Professor of the Political Science at the American University of Armenia and an Assistant...
Amanda Paul Amanda Paul is a Policy Analyst and Programme Executive at the European Policy Centre in Brussels; she is also Associate Senior...
Levan Pavlenishvili Levan Pavlenishvili is a senior researcher at the Energy and Environment Policy Research Centre.
Marta Pawlak Marta Pawlak is an attorney, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw as well as the...
Sebastian Petric Sebastian Petric is an emerging market strategist at Raiffeisen Research and recently published a book on fundamental, policy...
Christina Petru Christina Carter (nee Petru) is an economist and market analyst who has advised governments, national banks and international...
Margeir Petursson Margeir Petursson is an independent banking professional and a member of the Supervisory Board at Bank Lviv. Margeir is also a...
Marcin Piątkowski Dr Marcin Piatkowski is a Senior Economist at the World Bank office in Beijing, China, and an Assistant Professor at Kozminski...
Jan Piekło Jan Piekło is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine. Earlier, he was director of the...
Rosen Plevneliev Rosen Plevneliev is a former president of Bulgaria and honorary chairman of the Emerging Europe Alliance for Business Services...
Iztok Podbregar Iztok Podbregar, Msc, Ph.D. is a full professor for crisis and strategic management at the faculty of organisational sciences...
Leon Podkaminer Leon Podkaminer is Senior Economist (Emeritus) at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw). He is focused...
Benyamin Poghosyan Dr Benyamin Poghosyan is Vice-President for Research, Head of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defence...
Przemysław (Prem) Polaczek Przemysław (Prem) Polaczek is Managing Partner and Director at the International Business Centre, Grant Thornton Poland, where he...
Aleksandra Polak Aleksandra Polak works at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw.
Genc Pollo Genc Pollo is an Albanian MP and former chairman of the parliamentary committee on European Integration. He is also an ex-deputy...
Grzegorz Poniatowski Grzegorz Poniatowski is Director of Fiscal Policy Studies at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE). As a CASE expert...
Tanja Porčnik Tanja Porčnik is president of the Visio Institute and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.
Abhishek Pratap Singh Abhishek Pratap Singh is a visiting scholar at Beijing International Studies University (BISU).
Agris Preimanis Dr Agris Preimanis is Country Head at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Kazakhstan.
Andrian Prokip Andrian Prokip is a senior associate at the Kennan Institute and an energy analyst at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future.
Tom Quigley Tom Quigley is director of outsourcing at Emerging Europe and the owner and chief marketing officer at QUIGLEYMEDIA. He has 29...
Florian Rabitz Dr Florian Rabitz is a senior researcher at Kaunas University of Technology’s Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities...
Andras Radnoti Andras Radnoti is managing director of Millennium Emerging Europe, a London-based political risk intelligence firm.
Beata Radomska Beata Radomska is the President of the Executive Club and a Managing Partner at Cigno Consulting, in Warsaw, Poland.
Albert Rakipi Albert Rakipi is Director of the Tirana-based Albanian Institute for International Studies.
Jacek Ratajczak Jacek Ratajczak if the founder of PLUGin and Polish Tech Day, as well as director business development at
Mykhailo Rebryk Mykhailo Rebyryk PhD, is chief macroeconomic analyst at Raiffeisen Bank Aval in Ukraine.
Oliver Regner Oliver Regner is managing director of the German Business Association (DWV) in Georgia.
Graeme Reid Graeme Reid is the director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Programme at Human Rights Watch. He has...
Blerim Reka Ambassador Professor Dr Blerim Reka is pro-rector for international relations, South East European University, SEEU.
Nicholas Richardson Nicholas Richardson is a Partner at Richardson & Wspólnicy and vice-Chairman at British-Polish Chamber of Commerce.
James Roaf James Roaf is Senior Regional Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund for Central and Eastern Europe.
Michał Romanowski Michał Romanowski is a professor at the University of Warsaw, and a partner in the law firm Romanowski and Partners.
John Roseman John Roseman is the director of Functional AI, a software engineering company based in Minsk.
Neil Ross Neil Ross is techUK's lead on Brexit policy and no deal preparedness. He also supporting techUK’s work on the UK’s future...
Philippe Rouvrais Philippe Rouvrais is SVP, Global Head of Delivery, Solutions and Pre-sales at Modis and General Manager of Modis Bulgaria.
Przemysław Ruchlicki Przemysław Ruchlicki is a legal and economics expert at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), also dealing with TTIP. Having...
Rafał Rudzki Rafal Rudzki is a Senior Manager, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe, Deloitte. He is a sustainability expert. He advises...
Plamen Russev Plamen Russev is a serial entrepreneur, mentor and investor, the author of the book "Power to the People - the new marketing", a...
Krzysztof Rybiński Professor Krzysztof Rybiński is Rector of the New Economic University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and a former Deputy Governor of the...
Andrei Victor Sandu Professor Andrei Victor Sandu is President of Romanian Inventors Forum and Coordinator of EuroInvent.
Kirill Savrassov Kirill Savrasov is a seasoned international market practitioner. He is CEO of Phoenix CRetro, a Bermudian reinsurer & ILS...
Nate Schenkkan Nate Schenkkan is Project Director for Nations in Transit, Freedom House’s annual report on democracy in Eastern Europe and...
Paul Schmidt Paul Schmidt has been Secretary General of the Austrian Society for European Politics since 2009.
Ryszard Schnepf Ryszard Schnepf is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the United States of America. He was...
Frank Schuhholz Frank Schuhholz is a logistics expert and the founder of FMS Advisers. He holds a double degree in International Management. He...
Andreas Schwabe Andreas Schwabe, CFA, MBA, is Senior Economist for Central and Eastern Europe in the Economics Department at Raiffeisen Bank...
Vaiva Šečkutė Vaiva Šečkutė is a senior economist at IHS Markit, responsible for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting for Estonia, Latvia...
Erlet Shaqe Erlet Shaqe is Chairman of the Albanian Energy Association (AEA) in Tirana, Albania. His goal is to implement high work...
Olga Sherbina Olga Sherbina is Head of Belarus Office at the International Finance Corporation (a member of the World Bank Group). She has been...
Ania Shukeyeva Ania Shukeyeva is a human rights defender and founder of human rights movement 405 (405 is an article in the Criminal Code used...
Robert Šimončič Robert Šimončič is General Director of the Slovak Investment and Trade Agency SARIO; he has over 30 years of professional...
Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė is Lithuanian Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s. Previously served as the Ambassador to France...
Marin Škibola Born in Rijeka, 27-year-old Marin Škibola is the youngest member of the Croatian parliament, where he sits as an independent MP.
Maksym Skrypchenko Maksym Skrypchenko is co-founder of the Ukrainian Transatlantic Platform and deputy director of Security Initiatives Center.
Witold Sobków Witold Sobków is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Court of St. James’s. He was...
Ludwik Sobolewski Ludwik Sobolewski is co-founder and partner at Cornerstone Communications. He was previously the CEO of the Warsaw (WSE) and...
Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk is Senior Manager, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe, Deloitte.
Petros Stathis Petros Stathis is a dynamic entrepreneur with various interests and investments in banking, food, media, hospitality and real...
Mihnea Stoica Mihnea Stoica is a research assistant at the Department of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising of the Babes-Bolyai...
Peter Stracar Peter Stracar is Chief Executive Officer, GE CEE. Prior to joining GE, he spent 18 years at Hilti Corporation, based in Hong...
Johann Strobl Dr Johann Strobl has been Chairman of Management Board and Chief Executive Officer at Raiffeisen Bank International AG since...
Andrzej Strupczewski Professor Dr. Andrzej Strupczewski, chairman of Nuclear Safety Commission at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, expert in...
Maria Suchcitz Maria Suchcitz is currently completing a masters degree in Central European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Bartosz Świderek Bartosz Świderek is CEO of Pol-inowex, a provider of dismantling, relocation and re-assembly services.
Pawel Swidlicki Pawel Swidlicki is a Policy Analyst in Open Europe He is an expert and media commentator on a range of issues from the EU budget...
Marcin Święcicki Marcin Święcicki is a Polish politician (an MP) and economist. He is Chairman of the European Movement Forum. He was Minister for...
Ewa Synowiec Ewa Synowiec is Principal Adviser at the Trade Directorate, the European Commission. Prior to taking the position she was...
Eszter Szabó Since 2016 Eszter Szabó has been a member of Krynica Economic Forum’s Programme Council (Poland) and co-chair of the Hungarian...
Aleks Szczerbiak Aleks Szczerbiak is Professor of Politics and Contemporary European Studies at the University of Sussex.
Michał Szczygielski Michał Szczygielski is a political scientist and an analyst at the Centre of International Relations Foundation and the THINK...
Katarzyna Szczypska Katarzyna Szczypska is a classical liberal, advocating for the rule of law and democracy at the Brussels-based Open Dialogue...
Zsuzsanna Szelényi Zsuzsanna Szelényi is a liberal Member of Parliament in Hungary. She covers foreign and security policy, migration...
Aleksander Szpor Aleksander Szpor is the head of energy and climate unit at the Polish Economic Institute.
Michał Sztanga Michał Sztanga is a member of the leadership team and the managing director of Krzysztof Tadej Alexandru M. Tanase Alex Tanase is an independent consultant and former associate director, senior banker at the EBRD, and a former IMF advisor. Yerkin Tatishev Yerkin Tatishev is the chairman and founder of Kusto Group. Alice Taylor Alice Taylor is a freelance journalist and writer. She runs the Balkanista blog. Mark Temnycky Mark Temnycky is an accredited freelance journalist covering Eastern Europe and a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s... Aram Terzyan Aram Terzyan, PhD, is research director of the Los Angeles-based Centre for East European and Russian Studies. David Thomas David Thomas is the chairman of the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe (COBCOE). Dragoljub Todić Dr Dragoljub Todić is a professorial fellow at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade. Csaba Tóth Dr. Csaba Tóth, co-founder and strategy director of the Republikon Institute, a political scientist and sociologist, graduated... Elza Tsiklauri Vastly experienced journalist Elza Tsiklauri is editor-in-chief of, an online portal covering business, economy... Galina Tsvintarnaya Galina Tsvintarnaya is senior internal communications manager at Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Ukraine Isla Turner Isla Turner is a political analyst based in Melbourne, Australia, specialising in Australasian and European affairs. Amelia Turp-Balazs Amelia Turp-Balazs is the editor-in-chief of Dialog Textil. Andreas Umland Andreas Umland is a senior expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and researcher with the Swedish Institute of... Peter Ungar Peter Ungar is an MP for the Hungarian Green Party. He is the first MP born after the fall of communism in 1989. Tomáš Valášek Tomáš Valášek is the director of Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on security and defence, transatlantic relations... Jilles van den Beukel Jilles van den Beukel is an independent energy analyst. Jeroen van der Toolen Jeroen van der Toolen is an acknowledged expert in the field of commercial and residential real estate. He is the head of... Stefan van Dijk Stefan van Dijk is an entrepreneur and digital communication specialist. Elias van Herwaarden Elias van Herwaarden leads Locationperspectives, a consultancy that assists companies in building and restructuring their... Geoffrey Van Orden CBE Geoffrey Van Orden CBE was leader of the British Conservatives in the European Parliament and defence spokesperson. He was... Filip A.G. Vandenbroele Filip A.G. Vandenbroele is Honorary Consul of Belgium to Belarus. He has a broad experience in investment projects in the... Vesselin Vassilev Dr Vesselin Vassilev is the CEO of the independent industry-driven Bulgaria-based consortia Cluster for Aerospace Technologies... Alfonso Velasco Tamames Alfonso Velasco Tamames is an analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, carrying out economic and political analyses of regions... Nataly Veremeeva Nataly Veremeeva is the founder and CEO of Cossacks Information Technologies, an outsourcing consultancy. She has an MBA, a... Lars Vestbjerg Lars Vestbjerg is the founder and president of the Danish Business Association and General Manager of Sika Footwear in Ukraine... Cristian Vlas Cristian Vlas is an Editor and a Reporter at, an independent (non-political & non-governmental) portal that... Martin Vokálek Martin Vokálek is project manager at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and of Café Evropa: a series of regular public... Clara Volintiru Clara Volintiru is regional director, Black Sea Trust, German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). Alexandr Vondra Alexandr Vondra is a Czech politician and former senator. He was the spokesman for Charter 77 and one of co-founders of the Civic... Hovsep Voskanyan Hovsep Voskanyan is the chairman of the board at the German-Belarusian Economic Club. He is also a senior representative of a... Alida Vračić Alida Vračić is a co-founder and the director of Populari, a Sarajevo-based think tank. Claudiu Vrinceanu Claudiu Vrinceanu is a former state secretary in the Ministry of Economy in Romania (2015-2017). Pavao Vujnovac Pavao Vujnovac is the owner and President of the Board at PPD (Prvo plinarsko društvo), the leading natural gas supplier in... Oliver Vujovic Oliver Vujovic is the secretary general of the Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO). Vuk Vuković Vuk Vuković is a lecturer of Political Economy, Principles of Economics, International Economics and Public Finance at the... Christian Walther Øyrabø Christian Walther Øyrabø is chairman of Autovice and former chairman of the Danish Entrepreneurs Association. Roman Waschuk Roman Waschuk is Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine. He began his career with the Department of External Affairs in 1987. First... Karol Wasilewski Karol Wasilewski is a Turkey analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of... Christopher J Weafer Christopher J. Weafer is a founding partner of Macro Advisory, Bespoke Russia-CIS Consulting. Earlier he held the positions of... Innes Welbourne Innes Welbourne is a writer and creative based in Zurich. Brian Whitmer Brian Whitmer is chief analyst for Elliott Wave International’s European Financial Forecast. Dr Cyril Widdershoven Dr Cyril Widdershoven is a veteran global energy market expert and founder of Verocy, Netherlands-based global advisory. He holds... Andrea Wiktorin Andrea Wiktorin is Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus. Marcin Wilczek Marcin Wilczek has been Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Romania since September 10th... Bill Wirtz Bill Wirtz is a policy analyst for the Consumer Choice Center. Krzysztof Wiśniewski Krzysztof Wiśniewski is a tax advisor and a lawyer. He headed a tax and accounting team in one of the largest financial companies... Aleksandra Wodzisławska Aleksandra Wodzisławska is the CEO of Aforti Exchange. Rupert Wolfe-Murray Rupert Wolfe Murray is a UK-based author who started writing after being expelled from Tibet. His latest book is Romania: Rude... Fabio Wolkenstein Fabio Wolkenstein is assistant professor at Aarhus University and affiliated researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Robert Wright Robert Wright is the CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo. John Wurdeman John Wurdeman is a co-founder of Pheasant's Tears winery. Dmytro Yakymchuk Dmytro Yakymchuk is a project manager and analyst at Transparency International Ukraine. He is the co-author of TI Ukraine’s 2016... Andrei Yeliseyeu Andrei Yeliseyeu is an analytical journalist at the Belarusian business portal BEL.BIZ. Iglika Yordanova Iglika Yordanova is the managing director of Colliers International Bulgaria. Richard Youngs Richard Youngs is a senior associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Program, based at Carnegie Europe. He works on EU foreign... Ding Yuan Ding Yuan is Vice President and Dean, as well as Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting, at China Europe International... Mohammad Zahoor Mohammad Zahoor is founder of the ISTIL Group and publisher of the Kyiv Post. Tomasz Zalewski Tomasz Zalewski is Partner at Wierzbowski Eversheds and the head of the Public Procurement and IP/IT teams. He is a Public... Paweł Zalewski Paweł Zalewski is a former Member of the European Parliament, where he served as Chairman of the Committee on International Trade... Ivona Zametica Ivona Zametica is chief economist/head of research and advisory at Raiffeisen Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo. Epidamn Zeqo Epidamn Zeqo is the executive director of the Moikom Zeqo Institute for guiding courageous young talents in Albania and beyond. Paweł Zerka Paweł Zerka is Director of Research at demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy: a Warsaw-based independent think-tank... Edit Zgut Edit Zgut is a foreign policy analyst at Political Capital, and a guest lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Grzegorz Zieliński Grzegorz Zieliński is Regional Director for Poland and the Baltics at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)... Gene Zolotarev Gene Zolotarev is the founder and main shareholder of the Maximus Group. Prior to founding the Maximus Capital, he worked in the... Martin Zsarnoczky Martin Zsarnoczky, Ph.D is an entrepreneur and actively involved in community development. He is also a board member of the... Karolina Zubel Karolina Zubel is a project manager at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Poland. She focuses on EU funded... Dariusz Żuk Dariusz Żuk is President and Co-founder of Entrepreneurial Poland (EP) — a think tank operating in the area of entrepreneurship;... Fabian Zuleeg Dr Fabian Zuleeg is Chief Executive of the European Policy Centre. Drago Župarić-Iljić Dr Drago Župarić-Iljić is a sociologist, working as a research associate at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in... Mateusz Żurawik Mateusz Żurawik is Editor at the Polish edition of the Harvard Business Review and the Poland, Go Global magazine. He is also a...
Alexandru M. Tanase Alex Tanase is an independent consultant and former associate director, senior banker at the EBRD, and a former IMF advisor.
Mark Temnycky Mark Temnycky is an accredited freelance journalist covering Eastern Europe and a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s...
Aram Terzyan Aram Terzyan, PhD, is research director of the Los Angeles-based Centre for East European and Russian Studies.
David Thomas David Thomas is the chairman of the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe (COBCOE).
Dragoljub Todić Dr Dragoljub Todić is a professorial fellow at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade.
Csaba Tóth Dr. Csaba Tóth, co-founder and strategy director of the Republikon Institute, a political scientist and sociologist, graduated...
Elza Tsiklauri Vastly experienced journalist Elza Tsiklauri is editor-in-chief of, an online portal covering business, economy...
Galina Tsvintarnaya Galina Tsvintarnaya is senior internal communications manager at Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Ukraine
Isla Turner Isla Turner is a political analyst based in Melbourne, Australia, specialising in Australasian and European affairs.
Andreas Umland Andreas Umland is a senior expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and researcher with the Swedish Institute of...
Peter Ungar Peter Ungar is an MP for the Hungarian Green Party. He is the first MP born after the fall of communism in 1989.
Tomáš Valášek Tomáš Valášek is the director of Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on security and defence, transatlantic relations...
Jeroen van der Toolen Jeroen van der Toolen is an acknowledged expert in the field of commercial and residential real estate. He is the head of...
Elias van Herwaarden Elias van Herwaarden leads Locationperspectives, a consultancy that assists companies in building and restructuring their...
Geoffrey Van Orden CBE Geoffrey Van Orden CBE was leader of the British Conservatives in the European Parliament and defence spokesperson. He was...
Filip A.G. Vandenbroele Filip A.G. Vandenbroele is Honorary Consul of Belgium to Belarus. He has a broad experience in investment projects in the...
Vesselin Vassilev Dr Vesselin Vassilev is the CEO of the independent industry-driven Bulgaria-based consortia Cluster for Aerospace Technologies...
Alfonso Velasco Tamames Alfonso Velasco Tamames is an analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, carrying out economic and political analyses of regions...
Nataly Veremeeva Nataly Veremeeva is the founder and CEO of Cossacks Information Technologies, an outsourcing consultancy. She has an MBA, a...
Lars Vestbjerg Lars Vestbjerg is the founder and president of the Danish Business Association and General Manager of Sika Footwear in Ukraine...
Cristian Vlas Cristian Vlas is an Editor and a Reporter at, an independent (non-political & non-governmental) portal that...
Martin Vokálek Martin Vokálek is project manager at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and of Café Evropa: a series of regular public...
Clara Volintiru Clara Volintiru is regional director, Black Sea Trust, German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).
Alexandr Vondra Alexandr Vondra is a Czech politician and former senator. He was the spokesman for Charter 77 and one of co-founders of the Civic...
Hovsep Voskanyan Hovsep Voskanyan is the chairman of the board at the German-Belarusian Economic Club. He is also a senior representative of a...
Claudiu Vrinceanu Claudiu Vrinceanu is a former state secretary in the Ministry of Economy in Romania (2015-2017).
Pavao Vujnovac Pavao Vujnovac is the owner and President of the Board at PPD (Prvo plinarsko društvo), the leading natural gas supplier in...
Oliver Vujovic Oliver Vujovic is the secretary general of the Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).
Vuk Vuković Vuk Vuković is a lecturer of Political Economy, Principles of Economics, International Economics and Public Finance at the...
Christian Walther Øyrabø Christian Walther Øyrabø is chairman of Autovice and former chairman of the Danish Entrepreneurs Association.
Roman Waschuk Roman Waschuk is Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine. He began his career with the Department of External Affairs in 1987. First...
Karol Wasilewski Karol Wasilewski is a Turkey analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of...
Christopher J Weafer Christopher J. Weafer is a founding partner of Macro Advisory, Bespoke Russia-CIS Consulting. Earlier he held the positions of...
Brian Whitmer Brian Whitmer is chief analyst for Elliott Wave International’s European Financial Forecast.
Dr Cyril Widdershoven Dr Cyril Widdershoven is a veteran global energy market expert and founder of Verocy, Netherlands-based global advisory. He holds...
Marcin Wilczek Marcin Wilczek has been Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Romania since September 10th...
Krzysztof Wiśniewski Krzysztof Wiśniewski is a tax advisor and a lawyer. He headed a tax and accounting team in one of the largest financial companies...
Rupert Wolfe-Murray Rupert Wolfe Murray is a UK-based author who started writing after being expelled from Tibet. His latest book is Romania: Rude...
Fabio Wolkenstein Fabio Wolkenstein is assistant professor at Aarhus University and affiliated researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Dmytro Yakymchuk Dmytro Yakymchuk is a project manager and analyst at Transparency International Ukraine. He is the co-author of TI Ukraine’s 2016...
Andrei Yeliseyeu Andrei Yeliseyeu is an analytical journalist at the Belarusian business portal BEL.BIZ.
Richard Youngs Richard Youngs is a senior associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Program, based at Carnegie Europe. He works on EU foreign...
Ding Yuan Ding Yuan is Vice President and Dean, as well as Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting, at China Europe International...
Tomasz Zalewski Tomasz Zalewski is Partner at Wierzbowski Eversheds and the head of the Public Procurement and IP/IT teams. He is a Public...
Paweł Zalewski Paweł Zalewski is a former Member of the European Parliament, where he served as Chairman of the Committee on International Trade...
Ivona Zametica Ivona Zametica is chief economist/head of research and advisory at Raiffeisen Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo.
Epidamn Zeqo Epidamn Zeqo is the executive director of the Moikom Zeqo Institute for guiding courageous young talents in Albania and beyond.
Paweł Zerka Paweł Zerka is Director of Research at demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy: a Warsaw-based independent think-tank...
Edit Zgut Edit Zgut is a foreign policy analyst at Political Capital, and a guest lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
Grzegorz Zieliński Grzegorz Zieliński is Regional Director for Poland and the Baltics at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)...
Gene Zolotarev Gene Zolotarev is the founder and main shareholder of the Maximus Group. Prior to founding the Maximus Capital, he worked in the...
Martin Zsarnoczky Martin Zsarnoczky, Ph.D is an entrepreneur and actively involved in community development. He is also a board member of the...
Karolina Zubel Karolina Zubel is a project manager at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Poland. She focuses on EU funded...
Dariusz Żuk Dariusz Żuk is President and Co-founder of Entrepreneurial Poland (EP) — a think tank operating in the area of entrepreneurship;...
Drago Župarić-Iljić Dr Drago Župarić-Iljić is a sociologist, working as a research associate at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in...
Mateusz Żurawik Mateusz Żurawik is Editor at the Polish edition of the Harvard Business Review and the Poland, Go Global magazine. He is also a...
Giuseppe Carone & Per Eckefeldt
Both Giuseppe Carone and Per Eckefeldt work in the Fiscal Policy and Policy Mix Directorate, Directorate General for Economic and...
Ghia Abashidze
Freelancer political analyst and PR consultant with 15-years experience as a political officer in the EU, UN and ICRC missions in...
Sevki Acuner
Sevki Acuner is Head of Ukraine at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Givi Adeishvili
Givi Adeishvili is an economic analyst at Society and Banks.
Shaig Adigozalov
Shaig Adigozalov is the director of the economic analysis department at the Central Bank of Azerbaijan.
Olga Afanasyeva
Olga Afanasyeva is Executive Director of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Asscoaition (UVCA). She has got PhD...
David Akopyan
David Akopyan is a native Armenian who has spent the last 20 years of his career as a development practitioner. He is now Chief...
Anca Albu
Anca Albu is the founder of CEE Changers.
Sergei Aleinik
Sergei Aleinik is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the United Kingdom of Great Britain...
Audrey L Altstadt
Audrey L. Altstadt is professor of history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is the author of three books, most...
Radoslaw Antczak
Radoslaw Antczak is an Assistant Professor at Warsaw School of Economics. His research interests include well-being of older...
Yury Antoniuk
Yury Antoniuk is President of the IT Ukraine Association, which currently has around 40 members — leading Ukrainian IT companies.
Piotr Arak
Piotr Arak is the director of the Polish Economic Institute, a public think tank in Warsaw.
Erich Arispe
Erich Arispe is a senior director in Fitch Ratings’ sovereigns group. He is responsible for analysis and ratings of sovereigns in...
Endre Ascsillan
Endre Ascsillan is vice president and director of government affairs at GE CEE.
Marta Aserigadu
Marta Aserigadu is RPO Manager at Hays Poland, where she is responsible for recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) solutions. She...
Irakli Aslanishvili
Irakli Aslanishvili is executive director of the Business Association of Georgia (BAG). He previously worked for leading Georgian...
Anders Åslund
Anders Åslund is chairman of the Advisory Council of CASE (Center for Social and Economic Research) in Warsaw.
Vasily Astrov
Vasily Astrov is senior economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW). He's been working as an...
Wladimir Augustinski
Dr. Wladimir Augustinski is the head of the Representative Office of German Economy in Belarus (RGE), which is a part of the...
Jennifer Austin
Jennifer Austin is co-founder of Risky Business, the first acceleration fund in Romania. In 2013, Jennifer moved from California...
Emil Avdaliani
Emil Avdaliani teaches history and international relations at Tbilisi State University and Ilia State University.
Alexander Averyanov
Alexander Averyanov is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to Poland.
Gabriela Baicu
Gabriela Baicu is an associate professor at the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest.
Georgina Baker
Georgina Baker is Vice President for Latin American and the Caribbean, and Europe and Central Asia, for the International Finance...
Mamuka Bakhtadze
Mamuka Bakhtadze is a former prime minister of Georgia.
Eva S Balogh
Eva S. Balogh taught East European history at Yale and published a number of studies on Hungarian foreign policy and party...
László Balogh
László Balogh is Deputy Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Economy, responsible for financial policy affairs. In...
Bruno Balvanera
Bruno Balvanera is Director for the Caucasus, Moldova and Belarus at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)...
Arup Banerji
Arup Banerji is regional director, European Union, World Bank
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan
Natalia Banulescu-Bogdan is associate director of Migration Policy Institute’s international programme and a non-resident fellow...
David Baron
David Baron is the Washington, D.C. based Chairman of the Belarus-U.S. Business Council and a shareholder in the International...
Andrei Bastunets
Andrei Bastunets is a vastly experienced journalist who is currently the chairperson of the Belarusian Association of Journalists.
Zoltán Batka
Zoltán Batka is a business and an investigative journalist at Népszava, a Hungarian daily. Prior to that, we worked for...
Balki Bayhan
Balki Bayhan researches authoritarian politics and stability with a focus on Turkey and post-Soviet countries at the Centre for...
Dimitar Bechev
Dimitar Bechev is a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for European Studies, Harvard, and Director of the European Policy Institute...
Vladimir Beck
Vladimir Beck has been Chairman of the European Business Association IT Committee since its inception and is the founder and a...
Armend Bekaj
Armend Bejak is a Senior Programme Officer with International IDEA’s Democracy Assessment and Political Analysis Unit.
Alon Ben-Meir
Dr Alon Ben-Meir is a retired professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He taught courses on...
Sergiy Benedysiuk
Sergiy Benedysiuk is the head of corporate and M&A at Evris Law.
Tim Bennett
Tim Bennett is a former US trade negotiator and served as director-general/CEO of the TransAtlantic Business Council for over...
Genti Beqiri
Genti Beqiri is Chief Executive Officer of the Albanian Investment Development Agency. He completed Finance and Accounting at the...
Anna Berczyńska
Anna Berczyńska is Director of the Rockwool Global Business Service Centre in Poznań, Poland, established in September 2016 and...
Zygmunt Berdychowski
Zygmunt Berdychowski is Chairman of the Krynica Economic Forum Programme Council and a co-founder of the Institute of Eastern...
Daniel Berg
Daniel Berg is a member of the executive board of the Hungarian opposition party Momentum (Renew Europe). He is vice-president of...
Daniel Berg
Daniel Berg is Country Head of Serbia at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Tamar Beruchashvili
HE Tamar Beruchashvili has been the Ambassador of Georgia to the UK and Permanent Representative of Georgia to the International...
Punit Bhatia
Punit Bhatia is one of the world's leading privacy experts who has worked with professionals in over 30 countries. Punit guides...
Rajiv K. Bhatia
Ambassador Rajiv K. Bhatia is the Director General of the Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA).
Florian Bieber
Florian Bieber is a political scientist working on inter-ethnic relations, ethnic conflict and nationalism, focusing on...
Jakub Bierzyński
Jerzy Bierzyński is a sociologist, entrepreneur, investor, commentator on the media market and social issues, and the CEO at OMD...
John Bills
John Bills is the author of An Illustrated Guide to Slavic Misery.
Oana Bizgan
Oana Bizgan is a strategy and commercial professional with more than 10 years of experience within a multinational environment...
Anna Bjerde
Anna Bjerde is vice president for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank.
Liridon Blakaj
Liridon Blakaj is the Prishtina representative of AICS, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.
Teodor Blidarus
Teodor Blidarus is a managing partner at Softelligence Romania and president of the Employers’ Association of the Software and...
Mihai Bogdan
Mihai Bogdan is Managing Director of Brand Finance Romania. Brand Finance is a leading independent branded business valuation and...
Marina Borovko
Marina Borovko is Deputy Chairwoman of the European Business Association in Minsk and an Associate Professor at the Belarusian...
Sarah Bressan
Sarah Bressan is a research associate at the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin.
Filip Brokeš
Filip Brokeš is an independent Czech journalist currently oscillating between Berlin and St. Petersburg.
Ian Brown
Ian Brown is Head of Office Bosnia and Herzegovina at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Rogers Brubaker
Rogers Brubaker is Professor of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and recurrent visiting Professor in...
Cristian Buchiu
Cristian Buchiu is the deputy head of the European Commission Representation in Romania, where he coordinates the political...
Uldis Budriķis
Uldis Budriķis is a Latvian MP.
Piotr Buras
Piotr Buras is director of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations think tank; he is an expert on European...
Luka Burilović
Luka Burilović is President of the Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK). Before he served as Chairman of the Board, „SLADORANA“ d.d...
Michael Buryk
Mike Buryk is a freelance technology writer and the producer and host of the podcast Made in Ukraine Tech Startup Edition.
Carla Capalbo
Carla Capalbo is the author of Tasting Georgia.
Ana Catauta
Ana Catauta is a Romanian political communications consultant. She is founder of New Machiavelli Communications.
Marko Čeperković
Marko Čeperković is a maître de conférences at SciencesPo Paris and director of strategy at Brasidas Group.
Sir Suma Chakrabarti
Sir Suma Chakrabarti is the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Mariia Chaplia
Mariia Chaplia is Communications Associate Intern at Students for Liberty. She studied law at the Taras Shevchenko National...
Alexander Chekan
Alexander Chekan is the CEO of the largest Belarusian online media outlets, TUT.BY.
Luc Chénier
Luc Chenier is founder and CEO of PLAN C.
Iveta Cherneva
Iveta Cherneva is a foreign policy author and political commentator.
Stepan Chernovetskyi
Stepan Chernovetskyi is the founder and CEO of Chernovetskyi Investment Group, a venture capital firm specialising in funding...
Denis Chetverikov
Denis Chetverikov is Director of Research and Advisory Department, Colliers International, Belarus.
Ivane Chkhikvadze
Ivane Chkhikvadze is a member of the Open Society Georgia Foundation.
Petar Cholakov
Dr Petar Cholakov is a Senior Lecturer in Political Conflicts at the Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge of the...
Filip Chraska
Filip Chráska is a member of the Association for International Affairs (AMO), a Prague-based think tank.
Akri Çipa
Akri Çipa is a researcher and foreign policy expert and consultant from Tirana, Albania.
Ciprian Ciucu
Ciprian Ciucu is an opposition councillor at Bucharest City Hall. He hopes to become the city's mayor in next year's local...
Matteo Colangeli
Matteo Colangeli is Country Head of Albania at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Antonia Colibasanu
Dr Antonia Colibasanu is a senior geopolitical analyst at Geopolitical Futures.
Cristian Colţeanu
Cristian Colţeanu is GE President & CEO for Romania, Bulgaria and Republic of Moldova.
Philip Cox
Philip Cox is Vice-President of APEV Romania, the Wine Exporters’ and Producers’ Association of Romania, which groups wine...
Santiago Croci Downes
Santiago Croci Downes is Acting Manager, Doing Business Unit, World Bank. He joined the Doing Business team in March 2008. Prior...
Charles Crocker
Charles Crocker is CEO of the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
Claudia Crummenerl
Claudia Crummenerl is the managing director, people and organisation practice at Capgemini Invent
Zselyke Csaky
Zselyke Csaky is a senior researcher for Nations in Transit, Freedom House’s annual survey of democracy from Central Europe to...
Clark Curtis
Clark Curtis is a former director of communications at the College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte.
Marek Dąbrowski
Dr Marek Dąbrowski is a non-resident scholar at Bruegel in Brussels, a Professor at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and...
Andrzej Dąbrowski
Andrzej Dąbrowski is an analyst of the United States foreign policy at the Polish Institute for International Affairs. His areas...
Daniel Dăianu
Professor Daniel Dăianu is an economist and politician, a member of the Board of the National Bank of Romania.
David Dalton
David Dalton is an analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit covering Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.
Michele Daryanani
Michele Daryanani is an award-winning cyber thought-leader that has assisted clients across Europe, the Middle-East and Africa in...
Ciprian Dascalu
Ciprian Dascalu is Chief Economist at ING Bank in Romania.
Zhidas Daskalovski
Zhidas Daskalovski is a professor of political science, and one of the most prominent political scientists in the country. He is...
Francis P. Delaey
Francis P Delaey manages the operations of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Belarus. He previously...
Magdalena Dembinska
Magdalena Dembinska is associate professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Montreal. She completed a...
Judy Dempsey
Judy Dempsey is a nonresident Senior Associate at Carnegie Europe and Editor-in-Chief of the Strategic Europe blog. She is also...
Anna Derevyanko
Anna Derevyanko is executive director of the European Business Association (EBA).
Gunter Deuber
Gunter Deuber is head of economics, fixed income and FX research at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna. In this role he acts...
Clare Dewhirst
Clare Dewhirst is the director at City Nation Place.
Marcin Diakonowicz
Marcin Diakonowicz is CE German Desk Leader, Partner, Audit & Assurance at Deloitte. He has has extensive auditing experience...
Peter Dickinson
Peter Dickinson is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council and publisher of Business Ukraine and Lviv Today magazines.
Rumen Dobrinsky
Rumen Dobrinsky is Senior Research Associate at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW) and country expert...
Wiktor Doktór
Wiktor Doktór is CEO of ProProgressio, a business services consulting and advisory organisation, a CEE partner of the Global...
Anna Donáth
Anna Donáth is a Hungarian politician. She was elected as an MEP for the Momentum Movement (Reform Europe) in the 2019 European...
Andriy Dovbenko
Andriy Dovbenko is Managing Partner at N&D Law Firm. He started his career in 2007, when he graduated from the National...
Denis Dovgopoliy
Denis Dovgopoliy is a leading member of the Ukrainian Venture Capital and entrepreneurial community. He is the managing partner...
Gabriela Dragan
Gabriela Dragan is General Director of the European Institute of Romania (EIR) and Director of the Romanian Journal of European...
Iulia Dragut
Dr Iulia Dragut is president of the Euro-Est Alternative Cultural Association (ACEEA) and an international culinary judge. She...
Andrei Drosu
Andrei Drosu is a consultant at the research department at JLL Romania.
Radu Dumitrescu
Radu George Dumitrescu is the former editor-in-chief of The New Federalist and currently a Ph.D. student in political science at...
Vladimíra Dvořáková
Vladimíra Dvořáková is a professor of political science at the University of Economics, Prague.
Boris Dzhingarov
Boris Dzhingarov is a marketer and a journalist. He graduated from he the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in...
Vladimir Đorđević
Vladimir Đorđević is Lecturer at the Department of International Relations and European Studies, Faculty of Social Studies of...
Fatih Kemal Ebiçlioğlu
Fatih Kemal Ebiçlioğlu is the president for Durable Goods Group at Koç Holding, Turkey’s leading investment holding company and...
Ruben Elamiryan
Ruben Elamiryan holds a PhD in Political Science, and is assistant to the Chair of Political Governance and Public Policy at the...
Dorián Elek
Dorián Elek is the founder and director of Hungary’s Paradigm Institute.
Jadwiga Emilewicz
Jadwiga Emilewicz is Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development.
Gregor Famira
Gregor Famira is partner at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz and founder of the company’s offices in Zagreb (2003) and Ljubljana (2008)...
Fernando Faria
Fernando Faria is the Founder and CEO of Global Expansion Summit (GES).
Konstantyn Fedorenko
Konstantyn Fedorenko is a junior research fellow at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation. He was awarded his Master degree...
András Fekete-Győr
Andras Fekete-Győr is the president of a new Hungarian political movement, Momentum.
Tomasz Filipiak
Tomasz Filipiak is a political scientist, Europeanist and an English philologist. He graduated from the College of Europe in...
Erwan Fouéré
Erwan Fouéré is Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels; he had a career spanning...
George Friedman
George Friedman is a geopolitical strategist. He is the founder and chairman of Geopolitical Futures, an online publication that...
Iakov Frizis
Iakov Frizis is an economist at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE), specialising in macroeconomic analyses and...
Alexander Frost
Alexander Frost is Head of Global Risk Intelligence and Data at Axco Insurance Information Services.
Agnieszka Gajewska
Agnieszka Gajewska is a partner at PwC Poland, global government and public services leader, CEE ESG leader.
Kinga Gajewska
Kinga Gajewska is a Polish MP who sits on the parliamentary committees for Education, Science and Youth, as well Justice and...
Alexander Galitsky
Alexander Galitsky is founder and a managing partner of Almaz Capital Partners, an international venture fund based in Portola...
Bogdan Gălușcă
Bogdan Gălușcă is the director of business development at Stefanini EMEA.
Kristóf Gáspár
Kristóf Gáspár is a political analyst at the Paradigm Institute.
Eli Gateva
Eli Gateva is an assistant professor in comparative politics at the University of Nottingham.
Georgiy Geletukha
Dr Georgiy Geletukha is Head of the Board at the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABio). He has served as director of the...
Stoyan Genov
Stoyan Genov is a senior communications specialist at Raiffeisen Bank Bulgaria.
Mircea Geoană
Mircea Geoana is the founder and president of the Aspen Institute Romania.
Yasen Georgiev
Yasen Georgiev is executive director of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) – a Sofia-based think tank that provides economic...
Kristalina Georgieva
Kristalina Georgieva is CEO of the World Bank.
Eleonora Georgieva
Eleonora Georgieva works in the digital communications department at Raiffeisen Bank Bulgaria.
Michael Gerdts
Michael Gerdts is the former German ambassador to Italy, Kenya and Poland.
Sona Ghazaryan
Sona Ghazaryan, 26, is the youngest MP in the Armenian parliament.
Łukasz Gibała
Dr Łukasz Gibała is a independent Polish MP, former entrepreneur who had co-founded two successful businesses which he sold when...
Ariana Gic
Ariana Gic is a political and legal analyst, and director of the Direct Initiative International Centre for Ukraine.
Givi Gigitashvili
Givi Gigitashvili is a research assistant for the Caucasus at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) based...
Richard Giragosian
Richard Giragosian is the founding director of the Regional Studies Centre (RSC), an independent “think tank” located in Yerevan...
Valbona Gjeka
Valbona Gjeka is a research and analysis manager at Raiffeisen Bank Albania.
Borjan Gjuzelov
Borjan Gjuzelov is a PhD candidate at Queen Mary University London. He has authored several articles and policy analyses on...
Diana Gladkova
Krzysztof Głowacki
Krzysztof Głowacki is an economist at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw, Poland, with a specialisation...
Michael Göbbel
Michael Göbbel is completing a Masters in Public Administration at Peking University and has previously worked for the US Senate...
Florin Godean
Florin Godean is country manager of Adecco Romania and president of the Romanian Association of Temporary Work Agents (ARAMT). He...
Bogdan Góralczyk
Professor Bogdan Góralczyk is Director at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw, and a former Ambassador of Poland to...
Michael Green
Michael Green is Chief Executive Officer of the Social Progress Imperative. An economist by training, he is co-author (with...
Richard Grieveson
Richard Grieveson is an economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies — wiiw.
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse
Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse is a sociologist, political scientist and historian. He is a professor at Warsaw University and an expert...
Ljiljana Grubic
Ljiljana Grubic is an economic research specialist at Raiffeisen Banka in Serbia.
Julia Grübler
Julia Grübler is an economist at the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (wiiw).
Jelica Grujić
Jelica Grujić is Director of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA). Before coming to FIPA, she...
Olga Grygier-Siddons
Olga Grygier-Siddons is a business adviser and mentor, former CEO of PwC CEE.
Igar Gubarevich
Igar Gubarevich is a senior analyst at the Ostrogorski Centre based in Minsk. He grew up in Bielaaziorsk in the Brest region and...
Murray Gunn
Murray Gunn is head of global research at Elliott Wave International (
Ilgar Gurbanov
Ilgar Gurbanov is a research fellow at the Azerbaijan Centre for Strategic Studies.
Irina Guruli
Irina Guruli is the deputy director of the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC).
Dimitri Gvindadze
Dimitri Gvindadze is Head of Moldova at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Bojidar Gyurov
Expert PR Manager at Raiffeisen Bank in Bulgaria
Till Hahndorf
Till Hahndorf is Managing Director of BW Business Bridge, which identifies and certifies high-quality ICT product and service...
Kerry Hallard
Kerry Hallard is CEO of the Global Sourcing Association.
Chris Halward
Chris Halward is a former director of the Global Sourcing Association’s (GSA), and remains a member of its council. He also runs...
Debi Hamill
Debi Hamill is the CEO of IAOP, and publisher of PULSE Magazine.
Nicholas S. Hammond
Nicholas Hammond was the first English solicitor to open an office in Romania in 1990. He had started his career in the City of...
Mazen Hamwieh
Mazen Hamwieh is a project director at RRY Capital. He is responsible for all managerial and operational project tasks associated...
Anca Harasim
Anca Harasim has been the executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Romania since 2000.
Heike Harmgart
Dr Heike Harmgart is Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Jordan. She has been working in the...
Florian Hartleb
Dr Florian Hartleb is a German political scientist currently working in Tallinn, Estonia as a political consultant dealing with...
Christopher A. Hartwell
Christopher A. Hartwell is Professor of Financial Systems Resilience at Bournemouth University (UK), Professor of International...
Peter Havlik
Peter Havlik is former Deputy Director of The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and co-author of the...
Oleh Havrylyshyn
Professor Oleh Havrylyshyn is a former Deputy Minister of Finance and International Affairs in the first Ukrainian government...
Tatevik Hayrapetyan
Tatevik Hayrapetyan is a doctor of history and MP in the Armenian parliament.
Janet Heckman
Janet Heckman is Managing Director for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region at the European bank for...
Annika Hedberg
Annika Hedberg is the head of a Sustainable Prosperity for Europe Programme at the European Policy Centre.
Stefan Hedlund
Stefan Hedlund is professor and research director at the Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Finn Heinrich
Finn Heinrich is Director of Research at Transparency International. He joined TI’s Policy and Research Department in August 2008...
Michael Heller
Michael Heller, CFA, is Real Estate Investment Analyst at Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna.
Mike Herrington
Mike Herrington is Executive Director of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) which is part of the Global Entrepreneurship...
Tale Heydarov
Tale Heydarov is a leading Azerbaijani businessman, passionate about sport, education and culture. He has helped to promote...
Michael Hindley
Michael Hindley is an adviser on trade relations to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), including reports on...
Shanu S.P. Hinduja
Shanu Hinduja is chair of Hinduja Bank and co-chair of the United Nations Global Accelerator.
Cecilia Hjertzell
Cecilia Hjertzell is a Swedish entrepreneur within the tech industry. She serves as board member and senior business advisor to a...
Lukáš Hlaváč
Lukáš Hlaváč is the Founder of Whoolala, an online marketplace that enables its users to discover and share their fashion sense...
Ben Hodges
Lieutenant General Frederick Benjamin "Ben" Hodges III is a retired United States Army officer who served as commanding general...
Glen Hodgson
Glen Hodgson is the CEO of the think tank Free Trade Europa and Secretary General of Freelance Movement.
Jonathan Hollis
Jonathan Hollis is the Managing Partner of Mountside Ventures, whose mission is to optimise the fundraising process for European...
Mario Holzner
Mario Holzner is the deputy director of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).
Kateřina Hošková
Kateřina Hošková is a student of International Economic Relations at the University of Economics, Prague. Her research interests...
Tony Housh
Tony Housh is a senior counsellor for the international strategic advisory firm APCO Worldwide and the principal of CGC Advisors...
Danuta Hübner
Danuta Hübner MEP is the chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs.
Gabor Hunya
Gabor Hunya is a Senior Economist at wiiw and country expert for Romania and Bulgaria, focusing on macroeconomic analysis and...
Martin Hurt
Martin Hurt is Deputy Director and Member of the Executive Board at the International Centre for Defence and Security in Estonia...
Fatmir Hyseni
Fatmir Hyseni is Marketing & Business Development Manager for Kosbit – a leading IT outsourcing company in SE Europe. As an...
Matti Hyyrynen
Matti Hyyrynen is Head of the Baltics at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). He joined the Bank in 2001...
Aida Ibisevic
Aida Ibisevic is a marketing strategist and writer by day, food photographer and recipe developer by night. Her time is divided...
Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska
Professor Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska is Rector of Łazarski University in Warsaw; she is an economist and demographer; between 1996...
Ivars Ījabs
Ivars Ījabs, a Latvian political scientist and publicist and an associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the...
Angelo Ilardi
Angelo Ilardi is the president of the Italy-Belarus Chamber of Commerce. He is also the president of the In-world Special...
Kirill Ilinski
Kirill Ilinski is co-founder and Managing Partner of Fusion Asset Management, specialising in Portfolio Management and Advisory...
Bozhidar Ivanov
Bozhidar Ivanov is associate professor at the Institute of Agricultural Economics Sofia (IAE)..
Edgars Ivanovs
Edgars Ivanovs is the developer of the Urban Powerhouse concept. He has 12 years’ experience in urban innovation and the real...
Tadeusz Iwański
Tadeusz Iwański is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Eastern Studies.
Andrzej Jajszczyk
Professor Andrzej Jajszczyk is Director of the National Science Centre and a professor at AGH University of Science and...
Nikola Janković
Nikola Janković is Director of the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) and Chairman of the Working Group on...
Jyri Jäntii
Jyri Jäntii is a Finn currently completing his studies in International Relations at Tallinn University, while working as a...
Balázs Jarábik
Balázs Jarábik is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his research focuses on Eastern...
Bryan Jardine
Bryan Wilson Jardine is the managing partner of Wolf Theiss' office in Romania.
Krystian Jaworski
Krystian Jaworski is a senior economist at Credit Agricole Poland.
Leszek Jażdżewski
Leszek Jażdżewski is editor-in-chief and a co-founder of Polish liberal quarterly magazine Liberté! He is also one of the...
Tomáš Jelínek
Tomáš Jelínek is a member and a former Chairman of the Institute for Social and Economic Analyses (ISEA) and Executive Director...
Vedrana Jelušić Kašić
Vedrana Jelušić Kašić is EBRD Director, Croatia. She joined the EBRD in London in 1998 and was transferred to the Zagreb office...
Vladimir Jokić
Vladimir Jokić was elected president of Kotor Municipality in February 2017. He is the youngest president of the municipality in...
Irena Joveva
Irena Joveva, 30, is a newly elected member of the European Parliament representing Slovenia.
Alexander Kaffka
Alexander Kaffka, a native Georgian, is Executive Editor of Review of Business and Economics Studies and Publisher of Georgian...
Marina Kaljurand
Marina Kaljurand has been chair of the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC) since March 2017. She served as...
Iga Kamocka
Iga Kamocka is a project manager at the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation. Her projects are related to urban development, civil...
Artis Kampars
Artis Kampars is a Latvian entrepreneur and politician, a former MP and former minister of economy. He is secretary general of...
Stefánia Kapronczay
Stefánia Kapronczay is executive director of the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union. She graduated cum laude from the Faculty of Law...
Svyatoslav Kaspe
Dr Svyatoslav Kaspe (Moscow) is a professor at the National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Faculty of Social...
Avtandil Kasradze
Avtandil Kasradze is the deputy chairman of Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA).
Daphne Kasriel-Alexander
Daphne Kasriel-Alexander works as Consumer Trends Consultant with Euromonitor International. She commissions analysis on consumer...
Andrei Kelemen
Andrei Kelemen is executive director of Cluj IT Cluster.
Claudia Kemfert
Claudia Kemfert is head of the energy, transportation and environment department at the German Institute for Economic Research...
Portia Kentish
John Keppel
John Keppel is a Partner and President at the ISG Executive Board and leads ISG EMEA and Asia. John's nine years at ISG have...
James Ker-Lindsay
James Ker-Lindsay is Senior Visiting Fellow at LSEE-Research on South East Europe, London School of Economics and Political...
Ofer Kerzner
Ofer Kerzner is an Israeli businessman, philanthropist and the honorary consul of Ukraine in Jerusalem
Inna Kharchenko
Inna Kharchenko is General Manager at Adecco Ukraine/Avanta HR Solutions. She has worked for the company since January 2015...
Oleg Khusaenov
Oleg Khusaenov is CEO, the founding partner and sponsor of ZubrCapital. He has over 20 years of business experience in Russia...
Anthony Kim
Anthony Kim is research manager and the editor of the Index of Economic Freedom, the Heritage Foundation.
Valeriya Klymenko
Valeriya Klymenko is a foreign policy analyst and English editor of the National Security and Defence Journal at the Razumkov...
Jonathan Knott
Jonathan Knott is Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Hungary. He had previously held a variety of diplomatic posts at home and abroad...
Revaz Koiava
Revaz Koiava is a researcher at Caucasian House.
Tomáš Koláčný
Just 26, Tomáš Koláčný has been active in Czech politics for more than eight years. He is currently the deputy mayor of Brno.
István Kollai
István Kollai is an assistant professor of the Institute of World Economy at the Corvinus University of Budapest, and the former...
Aleksander Kolyago
Wojciech Konończuk
Wojciech Konończuk is a senior fellow at the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) in Warsaw, where he heads the department for...
Dmytro Korbut
Dmytro Korbut is a counsel at Sayenko Kharenko. He has more than 15-years’ experience of practicing law, specialising in M&A...
Andrey Kortunov
Andrey Kortunov is the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council.
Valeria Kostyugova
Valeria Kostyugova is a political analyst and strategist. She is the head of the Agency of Policy Expertise at the Belarusian...
Jan Kovář
Jan Kovář is a senior research fellow at the Institutive of International Relations in Prague.
Paweł Kowal
Pawel Kowal, Phd, is a Polish politician, political scientist and historian. A former secretary of state in Poland’s Ministry of...
Krzysztof Kowaluk
Krzysztof Kowaluk is a political scientist interested in the Balkans and Central Europe. He received a PhD from Warsaw University...
Alenka Krašovec
Alenka Krašovec is Professor of Political Science at the University of Ljubljana.
Péter Krekó
Péter Krekó is a social psychologist and political scientist. He has been the executive director of Political Capital since 2011.
Libor Krkoška
Libor Krkoška has been Head of EBRD Resident Office in Nicosia, Cyprus, since August 2014. He joined the EBRD in 1997, initially...
Dzmitry Kruk
Dzmitry Kruk is a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Outreach Centre (BEROC). His main research interests are...
Angelina Krutova
Angelina Krutova is leading officer PR department at Raiffeisen Bank Russia.
Oleksandr Kryshtal
Oleksandr Kryshtal is head of the digital hub at Raiffeisen Bank Aval.
Karel Kučera
Karel Kučera is CEO of CzechInvest, the Czech Investment and Business Development Agency. Prior to that he held managerial...
Piotr Kuczyński
Piotr Kuczyński is Chief Analyst of Xelion Financial Advisors. He has been an active investor since 1993. Since 2000, he has been...
Ludger Kühnhardt
Professor Ludger Kühnhardt is Director of the Centre for European Integration Studies (ZEI) and professor of political science at...
Davor Kunc
Davor Kunc works in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement as Programme Manager for...
Vladimir Kuzmenko
Vladimir Kuzmenko is SVP Sales at Nix Solutions.
Olexandr Kyrychenko
Olexandr Kyrychenko is the Head of the Russian department at IMD Solicitors LLP. Specialising in corporate matters and commercial...
Maximilien Lambertson
Maximilien Lambertson is an analyst in the Europe team at the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). He covers economic and political...
Joseph Larsen
Joseph Larsen is a policy analyst with the Georgian Institute of Politics in Tbilisi. His research interests are security and...
Pavel A Laschenko
Pavel A Laschenko is EY Country Managing Partner for Belarus, Assurance with 22 year working experience in auditing and banking...
Kanstantsin Lashkevich
Kanstantsin Lashkevich is editor-in-chief at, a leading tech news website in Belarus. He has 12 years of experience with...
Mark Le Gros Allen
Mark Le Gros Allen is a CASE Fellow based in Warsaw. He is a former Director of Policy at the IMF and a former IMF Regional...
Bartosz Lech
Bartosz Lech is the co-founder of the Polish Green party. A consultant in the field of elections and human rights, he works with...
Christopher Lehmann
Christopher Lehmann is the Executive Director of the CEELI Institute, an independent not-for-profit organization based in Prague...
Stefan Lehne
Stefan Lehne is a visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe in Brussels, where his research focuses on the post–Lisbon Treaty...
Dr Michael Leigh
Sir Michael Leigh is a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) of the United States and adjunct professor at the Paul H...
Vedrana Likan
Vedrana Likan is Managing Partner at Colliers for Croatia, BiH and Slovenia. She is also President of the Board of the British...
Igor Likhogrud
Igor Likhogrud is Chairman of the Board Moscow-Minsk Bank. He has been working in banking since 1995. Started career as fx...
Eric Livny
Eric Livny is founder and president at Tbilinomics Policy Advisors, and chair of the Economic Policy Committee at the...
Jeremy Luedi
Jeremy Luedi is the Web Editor and frequent contributor at Global Risk Insights (GRI), and has worked for NGOs and political...
Daniela Lulache
Daniela Lulache is CEO of SN Nuclearelectrica SA, Romania
Adrian Lupusor
Adrian Lupuşor is Executive Director of Expert-Grup, a leading think tank in the Republic of Moldova. He is a PhD candidate at...
Andreas Lusch
Andreas Lusch is the CEO of GE Steam Power.
Alex Lutskiy
Alex Lutskiy is a co-founder and CEO at Innovecs, a global software development company.
Aleksander Łaszek
Aleksander Łaszek is Chief Economist and Vice President of the Civil Development Forum.
Peter M. Tase
Peter M. Tase is the author of five books on Azerbaijan’s archaeology, foreign policy and ancient history
Violetta Małek
Violetta Małek is the managing partner of Gekko advisoryNOW, and the academic director of the Business Service Centre...
Christian Mamo
Christian Mamo is a reporter at Emerging Europe.
Boriana Manolova
Boriana Manolova is the CEO of Siemens Bulgaria.
Martina Marečková
David R. Marples
David R. Marples is Distinguished Professor, Department of History, Classics, and Religion, University of Alberta.
Anne-Marie Martin
Anne-Marie Martin is the director for global business networks at the British Chambers of Commerce.
Marek Materek
Marek Materek is mayor of Starachowice, Poland, and the youngest mayor in the country. He was recently re-elected for a second...
Ryan Mattock
Ryan Mattock is the co-founder of CommissionCrowd.
Tamas Matura
Tamas Matura is an assistant professor of the Corvinus University of Budapest and the founder of the Central and Eastern European...
Eva Maydell
Eva Maydell is a member of the European Parliament.
Terry McCallion
Terry McCallion is EBRD Director, Energy Efficiency.
Anita McKinna
Anita McKinna has been researching issues related to Kosovo and the Balkans since the late 1990s. She completed her PhD on the...
Saahil Menon
Saahil Menon is an investment analyst with a background in business economics and finance.
Iva Merhautová
Iva Merhautová is the Czech deputy minister for social insurance systems.
Giles Merritt
Giles Merritt founded Friends of Europe in 1999, and its policy journal Europe’s World in 2005. His latest book is Slippery...
Michael Mesquita
Michael Mesquita is a Senior Analyst (CIS) at West Sands Advisory Limited. Michael is involved in a longstanding project focused...
Sebastian Metz
Sebastian Metz is the general manager of the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania), the official...
Dan Mihalache
Dan Mihalache is Ambassador of Romania to the Court of St. James’s.
Velimir Mijušković
Velimir Mijušković is President of the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Vice President of the Forum Ionian Adriatic Chamber...
Ivan Mikloš
Ivan Mikloš is a former deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Slovakia.
Jelena Milić
Jelena Milić is the director of the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Belgrade.
Hugues Mingarelli
Ambassador Hugues Mingarelli is Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. Earlier he worked as a Senior Adviser on Global Strategy...
Piotr Misiło
Piotr Misiło is a Polish MP and a member of the Civic Platform.
Lincoln Mitchell
Lincoln Mitchell is a writer, pundit and specialist in political development based in New York City and San Francisco. He has...
Daniel Mitov
Daniel Mitov was foreign minister of Bulgaria from 2014-17.
Rudradeb Mitra
Rudradeb Mitra is a serial entrepreneur who has been living in Europe for past 14 years. As a graduate of the University of...
Witold Modzelewski
Witold Modzelewski is President of the Institute of Tax Studies, Professor of Law and Administration at Warsaw University and a...
Martin Mojžiš
Martin Mojžiš is an associate professor of physics at the Comenius University in Bratislava and also an editor of .týždeň...
Richard Mole
Dr Richard Mole is a Political Sociologist at University College London’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies. He...
Agnes Molnar
Dr Agnes Molnar is a Senior Associate at Reed Smith.
Mateusz Morawiecki
Mateusz Morawiecki is the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Development and Finance for Poland. He was a member of the task...
Giulio Moreno
Giulio Moreno is Head of Montenegro at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Earlier he serves as the...
Veronika Movchan
Veronika Movchan is Academic Director at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting - IER (Kyiv, Ukraine) and a...
Morten Munk
Morten Munk is Honorary Consul of Ukraine to Denmark and CEO of Mafcon, an international consultancy firm specialising in...
Igor Munteanu
Dr Igor Munteanu is a Moldovan MP and managing director of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives, one of the...
Ayaz Museyibov
Ayaz Museyibov is a financial analyst at the Centre for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of Azerbaijan Republic
Thibault Muzergues
Thibault Muzergues is Europe Programme Director at the International Republican Institute and author of The Great Class Shift...
Alisa Muzergues
Alisa Muzergues is a specialist in EU neighbourhood policy at the think tank GLOBSEC.
Martin Mycielski
Martin Mycielski is a pro-democracy activist, political commentator and former Brussels correspondent for leading Polish daily...
Nemanja Naunović
Nemanja Naunović is deputy head of marketing and PR at Raiffeisen banka in Serbia.
Zuzana Nehajova
Zuzana Nehajova is InnovEYtion Hub leader at EY Czech Republic and much more besides. She manages smart projects across the CESA...
Bill Nicholov
Bill Nicholov is president of the Macedonian Human Rights Movement International.
Ciprian Nicolae
Ciprian Nicolae is principal at CVI Dom Maklerski (Poland).
Arne Niemann
Arne Niemann is Professor of International Politics and Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration Studies at the Department...
Natallia Nikandrova
Natallia Nikandrova is Director of the National Agency of Investment and Privatisation of the Republic of Belarus. Earlier she...
Alexander Nosachenko
Alexander Nosachenko has been Managing Director of Colliers International in Ukraine since 2006.
Jurica Novak
Jurica Novak is managing partner at McKinsey & Company's Central European Office.
Damir Novinić
Damir Novinić is Managing Director of the Agency for Investments and Competitiveness and has more than 15 years of experience in...
Alina-Cristina Nuță
Alina Cristina Nuţă is an associate professor in the Department of Finance and Business Administration at Danubius University...
Alina Nychyk
Alina Nychyk is a journalist, political scientist and economist.
Ollie O'Donoghue
Ollie O'Donoghue is research vice president, IT services at HFS Research.
Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Prince Michael of Liechtenstein is founder and chairman of Geopolitical Intelligence Services AG,
Tim Ogden
Tim Ogden is a British journalist currently based in Tbilisi.
Kateryna Oliinyk
Kateryna Oliinyk is the head of Intellectual Property Practice at Arzinger Law office and the head of the IP Committee of the...
Josef Olmert
Dr Josef Olmert is a former director of the Government Press Office and advisor to former Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir. In 1999...
Roman Opimakh
Roman Opimakh is Executive Director of Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine. He was the advisor to the Minister of Energy and...
Sergiu Oprescu
Sergiu Oprescu is executive president of Alpha Bank Romania and president of the board of directors, at the Romanian Association...
Freddy Opsomer
Freddy Opsomer is chairman of the board at the Free Economic Zone in Kaunas, Lithuania.He has been working the Belgian National...
Witold M. Orłowski
Professor Witold Orłowski is Chief Economic Adviser for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Poland, Director of the Warsaw University of...
Richard Overy
Richard Overy is professor of history at the University of Exeter. His books include The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's...
Martin Oxley
Martin Oxley is Strategy Adviser of UK Trade and Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. He has spent the last 20 years working...
Andris Ozols
Andris Ozols is Director of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA). His dynamic leadership style has revitalised...
Anders Paalzow
Professor Anders Paalzow is Rector of Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. He is also Chairman of the Board for the Baltic...
Aliaksandr Papko
Aliaksandr Papko is a Belarusian political scientist and journalist.
Khrystyna Parandii
Khrystyna Parandii is the Clara Marina O’Donnell fellow (2019-20) at the Centre for European Reform. Her research focuses on EU...
Mihai Patrulescu
Mihai Patrulescu is head of Strategic Analysis at Colliers International in Romania. Prior to this position, he coordinated the...
Yevgenya Jenny Paturyan
Yevgenya Jenny Paturyan is an Assistant Professor of the Political Science at the American University of Armenia and an Assistant...
Amanda Paul
Amanda Paul is a Policy Analyst and Programme Executive at the European Policy Centre in Brussels; she is also Associate Senior...
Levan Pavlenishvili
Levan Pavlenishvili is a senior researcher at the Energy and Environment Policy Research Centre.
Marta Pawlak
Marta Pawlak is an attorney, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw as well as the...
Martin Penov
Martin Penov is a reporter at Emerging Europe.
Anya Perova
Anya Perova is a journalist at
Sebastian Petric
Sebastian Petric is an emerging market strategist at Raiffeisen Research and recently published a book on fundamental, policy...
Zoran Petrović
Zoran Petrović is CEO of Raiffeisen Bank in Serbia.
Christina Petru
Christina Carter (nee Petru) is an economist and market analyst who has advised governments, national banks and international...
Margeir Petursson
Margeir Petursson is an independent banking professional and a member of the Supervisory Board at Bank Lviv. Margeir is also a...
Marcin Piątkowski
Dr Marcin Piatkowski is a Senior Economist at the World Bank office in Beijing, China, and an Assistant Professor at Kozminski...
Jan Piekło
Jan Piekło is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Ukraine. Earlier, he was director of the...
Alex Pivovarsky
Alex Pivovarsky is the head of the EBRD Belarus Resident Office.
Rosen Plevneliev
Rosen Plevneliev is a former president of Bulgaria and honorary chairman of the Emerging Europe Alliance for Business Services...
Iztok Podbregar
Iztok Podbregar, Msc, Ph.D. is a full professor for crisis and strategic management at the faculty of organisational sciences...
Leon Podkaminer
Leon Podkaminer is Senior Economist (Emeritus) at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw). He is focused...
Benyamin Poghosyan
Dr Benyamin Poghosyan is Vice-President for Research, Head of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defence...
Przemysław (Prem) Polaczek
Przemysław (Prem) Polaczek is Managing Partner and Director at the International Business Centre, Grant Thornton Poland, where he...
Aleksandra Polak
Aleksandra Polak works at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Warsaw.
Genc Pollo
Genc Pollo is an Albanian MP and former chairman of the parliamentary committee on European Integration. He is also an ex-deputy...
Grzegorz Poniatowski
Grzegorz Poniatowski is Director of Fiscal Policy Studies at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE). As a CASE expert...
Andrei Pop
Andrei Pop is a Romanian entrepreneur.
Denisa Popa
Denisa Popa is a screenwriter and translator based in London.
Tanja Porčnik
Tanja Porčnik is president of the Visio Institute and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute.
Abhishek Pratap Singh
Abhishek Pratap Singh is a visiting scholar at Beijing International Studies University (BISU).
Agris Preimanis
Dr Agris Preimanis is Country Head at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Kazakhstan.
Lana Prlić
Lana Prlić is vice-president of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Social Democratic Party (SDP).
Andrian Prokip
Andrian Prokip is a senior associate at the Kennan Institute and an energy analyst at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future.
Tom Quigley
Tom Quigley is director of outsourcing at Emerging Europe and the owner and chief marketing officer at QUIGLEYMEDIA. He has 29...
Florian Rabitz
Dr Florian Rabitz is a senior researcher at Kaunas University of Technology’s Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities...
Andras Radnoti
Andras Radnoti is managing director of Millennium Emerging Europe, a London-based political risk intelligence firm.
Beata Radomska
Beata Radomska is the President of the Executive Club and a Managing Partner at Cigno Consulting, in Warsaw, Poland.
Djordje Radulović
Djordje Radulović is the foreign minister of Montenegro.
Albert Rakipi
Albert Rakipi is Director of the Tirana-based Albanian Institute for International Studies.
Jacek Ratajczak
Jacek Ratajczak if the founder of PLUGin and Polish Tech Day, as well as director business development at
Mykhailo Rebryk
Mykhailo Rebyryk PhD, is chief macroeconomic analyst at Raiffeisen Bank Aval in Ukraine.
Oliver Regner
Oliver Regner is managing director of the German Business Association (DWV) in Georgia.
Graeme Reid
Graeme Reid is the director of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Programme at Human Rights Watch. He has...
Blerim Reka
Ambassador Professor Dr Blerim Reka is pro-rector for international relations, South East European University, SEEU.
Nicholas Richardson
Nicholas Richardson is a Partner at Richardson & Wspólnicy and vice-Chairman at British-Polish Chamber of Commerce.
James Roaf
James Roaf is Senior Regional Resident Representative of the International Monetary Fund for Central and Eastern Europe.
Michał Romanowski
Michał Romanowski is a professor at the University of Warsaw, and a partner in the law firm Romanowski and Partners.
Sándor Rónai
Sándor Rónai is Hungary's youngest MEP.
John Roseman
John Roseman is the director of Functional AI, a software engineering company based in Minsk.
Neil Ross
Neil Ross is techUK's lead on Brexit policy and no deal preparedness. He also supporting techUK’s work on the UK’s future...
Philippe Rouvrais
Philippe Rouvrais is SVP, Global Head of Delivery, Solutions and Pre-sales at Modis and General Manager of Modis Bulgaria.
Alina Rozanova
Alina Rozanova is CEO at Touch Platform.
Przemysław Ruchlicki
Przemysław Ruchlicki is a legal and economics expert at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG), also dealing with TTIP. Having...
Rafał Rudzki
Rafal Rudzki is a Senior Manager, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe, Deloitte. He is a sustainability expert. He advises...
Plamen Russev
Plamen Russev is a serial entrepreneur, mentor and investor, the author of the book "Power to the People - the new marketing", a...
Peter Ryan
Petery Ryan is principal at Ryan Strategic Advisory.
Vitalii Rybak
Vitalli Rybak is an analyst at Internews Ukraine and
Krzysztof Rybiński
Professor Krzysztof Rybiński is Rector of the New Economic University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and a former Deputy Governor of the...
Arkady Rzegocki
Arkady Rzegocki is Poland’s ambassador to the United Kingdom.
Andrei Victor Sandu
Professor Andrei Victor Sandu is President of Romanian Inventors Forum and Coordinator of EuroInvent.
Apurva Sanghi
Apurva Sanghi is lead economist for Russia at the World Bank.
Kirill Savrassov
Kirill Savrasov is a seasoned international market practitioner. He is CEO of Phoenix CRetro, a Bermudian reinsurer & ILS...
Angela Sax
Angela Sax, Head of Office Operations, Moldova.
Nate Schenkkan
Nate Schenkkan is Project Director for Nations in Transit, Freedom House’s annual report on democracy in Eastern Europe and...
Benedikta Schlange
Benedikta Schlange works at Raiffeisen Bank International.
Paul Schmidt
Paul Schmidt has been Secretary General of the Austrian Society for European Politics since 2009.
Ryszard Schnepf
Ryszard Schnepf is Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the United States of America. He was...
Martin Schreiber
Frank Schuhholz
Frank Schuhholz is a logistics expert and the founder of FMS Advisers. He holds a double degree in International Management. He...
Andreas Schwabe
Andreas Schwabe, CFA, MBA, is Senior Economist for Central and Eastern Europe in the Economics Department at Raiffeisen Bank...
Vaiva Šečkutė
Vaiva Šečkutė is a senior economist at IHS Markit, responsible for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting for Estonia, Latvia...
Rainer Seele
Rainer Seele is CEO of OMV.
Erlet Shaqe
Erlet Shaqe is Chairman of the Albanian Energy Association (AEA) in Tirana, Albania. His goal is to implement high work...
Olga Sherbina
Olga Sherbina is Head of Belarus Office at the International Finance Corporation (a member of the World Bank Group). She has been...
Ania Shukeyeva
Ania Shukeyeva is a human rights defender and founder of human rights movement 405 (405 is an article in the Criminal Code used...
Robert Šimončič
Robert Šimončič is General Director of the Slovak Investment and Trade Agency SARIO; he has over 30 years of professional...
Virginijus Sinkevičius
Virginijus Sinkevičius is the Lithuanian minister of economy and innovation.
Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė
Asta Skaisgirytė Liauškienė is Lithuanian Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s. Previously served as the Ambassador to France...
Marin Škibola
Born in Rijeka, 27-year-old Marin Škibola is the youngest member of the Croatian parliament, where he sits as an independent MP.
Maksym Skrypchenko
Maksym Skrypchenko is co-founder of the Ukrainian Transatlantic Platform and deputy director of Security Initiatives Center.
Daniel Smilov
Daniel Smilov is programme director at the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia.
Witold Sobków
Witold Sobków is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Court of St. James’s. He was...
Ludwik Sobolewski
Ludwik Sobolewski is co-founder and partner at Cornerstone Communications. He was previously the CEO of the Warsaw (WSE) and...
Dmytro Sologub
Dmytro Sologub is the deputy governor of the National Bank of Ukraine.
Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk
Aleksandra Stanek-Kowalczyk is Senior Manager, Sustainability Consulting Central Europe, Deloitte.
Lubomir Stanislavov
Lubomir Stanislavov is CEO at the Automotive Cluster Bulgaria.
Petros Stathis
Petros Stathis is a dynamic entrepreneur with various interests and investments in banking, food, media, hospitality and real...
Dorin Sterie
Dorin Sterie is country manager for Romania at Aforti Exchange.
Mihnea Stoica
Mihnea Stoica is a research assistant at the Department of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising of the Babes-Bolyai...
Peter Stracar
Peter Stracar is Chief Executive Officer, GE CEE. Prior to joining GE, he spent 18 years at Hilti Corporation, based in Hong...
Johann Strobl
Dr Johann Strobl has been Chairman of Management Board and Chief Executive Officer at Raiffeisen Bank International AG since...
Andrzej Strupczewski
Professor Dr. Andrzej Strupczewski, chairman of Nuclear Safety Commission at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, expert in...
Maria Suchcitz
Maria Suchcitz is currently completing a masters degree in Central European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.
Bartosz Świderek
Bartosz Świderek is CEO of Pol-inowex, a provider of dismantling, relocation and re-assembly services.
Pawel Swidlicki
Pawel Swidlicki is a Policy Analyst in Open Europe He is an expert and media commentator on a range of issues from the EU budget...
Marcin Święcicki
Marcin Święcicki is a Polish politician (an MP) and economist. He is Chairman of the European Movement Forum. He was Minister for...
Ewa Synowiec
Ewa Synowiec is Principal Adviser at the Trade Directorate, the European Commission. Prior to taking the position she was...
Eszter Szabó
Since 2016 Eszter Szabó has been a member of Krynica Economic Forum’s Programme Council (Poland) and co-chair of the Hungarian...
Aleks Szczerbiak
Aleks Szczerbiak is Professor of Politics and Contemporary European Studies at the University of Sussex.
Krzysztof Szczerski
Krzysztof Szczerski is chief of the cabinet of the president of Poland.
Michał Szczygielski
Michał Szczygielski is a political scientist and an analyst at the Centre of International Relations Foundation and the THINK...
Katarzyna Szczypska
Katarzyna Szczypska is a classical liberal, advocating for the rule of law and democracy at the Brussels-based Open Dialogue...
Zsuzsanna Szelényi
Zsuzsanna Szelényi is a liberal Member of Parliament in Hungary. She covers foreign and security policy, migration...
Aleksander Szpor
Aleksander Szpor is the head of energy and climate unit at the Polish Economic Institute.
Michał Sztanga
Michał Sztanga is a member of the leadership team and the managing director of
Krzysztof Tadej
Alexandru M. Tanase
Alex Tanase is an independent consultant and former associate director, senior banker at the EBRD, and a former IMF advisor.
Yerkin Tatishev
Yerkin Tatishev is the chairman and founder of Kusto Group.
Alice Taylor
Alice Taylor is a freelance journalist and writer. She runs the Balkanista blog.
Mark Temnycky
Mark Temnycky is an accredited freelance journalist covering Eastern Europe and a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s...
Aram Terzyan
Aram Terzyan, PhD, is research director of the Los Angeles-based Centre for East European and Russian Studies.
David Thomas
David Thomas is the chairman of the Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe (COBCOE).
Dragoljub Todić
Dr Dragoljub Todić is a professorial fellow at the Institute of International Politics and Economics in Belgrade.
Csaba Tóth
Dr. Csaba Tóth, co-founder and strategy director of the Republikon Institute, a political scientist and sociologist, graduated...
Elza Tsiklauri
Vastly experienced journalist Elza Tsiklauri is editor-in-chief of, an online portal covering business, economy...
Galina Tsvintarnaya
Galina Tsvintarnaya is senior internal communications manager at Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Ukraine
Isla Turner
Isla Turner is a political analyst based in Melbourne, Australia, specialising in Australasian and European affairs.
Amelia Turp-Balazs
Amelia Turp-Balazs is the editor-in-chief of Dialog Textil.
Andreas Umland
Andreas Umland is a senior expert at the Ukrainian Institute for the Future in Kyiv, and researcher with the Swedish Institute of...
Peter Ungar
Peter Ungar is an MP for the Hungarian Green Party. He is the first MP born after the fall of communism in 1989.
Tomáš Valášek
Tomáš Valášek is the director of Carnegie Europe, where his research focuses on security and defence, transatlantic relations...
Jilles van den Beukel
Jilles van den Beukel is an independent energy analyst.
Jeroen van der Toolen
Jeroen van der Toolen is an acknowledged expert in the field of commercial and residential real estate. He is the head of...
Stefan van Dijk
Stefan van Dijk is an entrepreneur and digital communication specialist.
Elias van Herwaarden
Elias van Herwaarden leads Locationperspectives, a consultancy that assists companies in building and restructuring their...
Geoffrey Van Orden CBE
Geoffrey Van Orden CBE was leader of the British Conservatives in the European Parliament and defence spokesperson. He was...
Filip A.G. Vandenbroele
Filip A.G. Vandenbroele is Honorary Consul of Belgium to Belarus. He has a broad experience in investment projects in the...
Vesselin Vassilev
Dr Vesselin Vassilev is the CEO of the independent industry-driven Bulgaria-based consortia Cluster for Aerospace Technologies...
Alfonso Velasco Tamames
Alfonso Velasco Tamames is an analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, carrying out economic and political analyses of regions...
Nataly Veremeeva
Nataly Veremeeva is the founder and CEO of Cossacks Information Technologies, an outsourcing consultancy. She has an MBA, a...
Lars Vestbjerg
Lars Vestbjerg is the founder and president of the Danish Business Association and General Manager of Sika Footwear in Ukraine...
Cristian Vlas
Cristian Vlas is an Editor and a Reporter at, an independent (non-political & non-governmental) portal that...
Martin Vokálek
Martin Vokálek is project manager at the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, and of Café Evropa: a series of regular public...
Clara Volintiru
Clara Volintiru is regional director, Black Sea Trust, German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).
Alexandr Vondra
Alexandr Vondra is a Czech politician and former senator. He was the spokesman for Charter 77 and one of co-founders of the Civic...
Hovsep Voskanyan
Hovsep Voskanyan is the chairman of the board at the German-Belarusian Economic Club. He is also a senior representative of a...
Alida Vračić
Alida Vračić is a co-founder and the director of Populari, a Sarajevo-based think tank.
Claudiu Vrinceanu
Claudiu Vrinceanu is a former state secretary in the Ministry of Economy in Romania (2015-2017).
Pavao Vujnovac
Pavao Vujnovac is the owner and President of the Board at PPD (Prvo plinarsko društvo), the leading natural gas supplier in...
Oliver Vujovic
Oliver Vujovic is the secretary general of the Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO).
Vuk Vuković
Vuk Vuković is a lecturer of Political Economy, Principles of Economics, International Economics and Public Finance at the...
Christian Walther Øyrabø
Christian Walther Øyrabø is chairman of Autovice and former chairman of the Danish Entrepreneurs Association.
Roman Waschuk
Roman Waschuk is Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine. He began his career with the Department of External Affairs in 1987. First...
Karol Wasilewski
Karol Wasilewski is a Turkey analyst at the Polish Institute of International Affairs and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of...
Christopher J Weafer
Christopher J. Weafer is a founding partner of Macro Advisory, Bespoke Russia-CIS Consulting. Earlier he held the positions of...
Innes Welbourne
Innes Welbourne is a writer and creative based in Zurich.
Brian Whitmer
Brian Whitmer is chief analyst for Elliott Wave International’s European Financial Forecast.
Dr Cyril Widdershoven
Dr Cyril Widdershoven is a veteran global energy market expert and founder of Verocy, Netherlands-based global advisory. He holds...
Andrea Wiktorin
Andrea Wiktorin is Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Belarus.
Marcin Wilczek
Marcin Wilczek has been Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to Romania since September 10th...
Bill Wirtz
Bill Wirtz is a policy analyst for the Consumer Choice Center.
Krzysztof Wiśniewski
Krzysztof Wiśniewski is a tax advisor and a lawyer. He headed a tax and accounting team in one of the largest financial companies...
Aleksandra Wodzisławska
Aleksandra Wodzisławska is the CEO of Aforti Exchange.
Rupert Wolfe-Murray
Rupert Wolfe Murray is a UK-based author who started writing after being expelled from Tibet. His latest book is Romania: Rude...
Fabio Wolkenstein
Fabio Wolkenstein is assistant professor at Aarhus University and affiliated researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Robert Wright
Robert Wright is the CEO of Raiffeisen Bank Kosovo.
John Wurdeman
John Wurdeman is a co-founder of Pheasant's Tears winery.
Dmytro Yakymchuk
Dmytro Yakymchuk is a project manager and analyst at Transparency International Ukraine. He is the co-author of TI Ukraine’s 2016...
Andrei Yeliseyeu
Andrei Yeliseyeu is an analytical journalist at the Belarusian business portal BEL.BIZ.
Iglika Yordanova
Iglika Yordanova is the managing director of Colliers International Bulgaria.
Richard Youngs
Richard Youngs is a senior associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Program, based at Carnegie Europe. He works on EU foreign...
Ding Yuan
Ding Yuan is Vice President and Dean, as well as Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting, at China Europe International...
Mohammad Zahoor
Mohammad Zahoor is founder of the ISTIL Group and publisher of the Kyiv Post.
Tomasz Zalewski
Tomasz Zalewski is Partner at Wierzbowski Eversheds and the head of the Public Procurement and IP/IT teams. He is a Public...
Paweł Zalewski
Paweł Zalewski is a former Member of the European Parliament, where he served as Chairman of the Committee on International Trade...
Ivona Zametica
Ivona Zametica is chief economist/head of research and advisory at Raiffeisen Bank in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo.
Epidamn Zeqo
Epidamn Zeqo is the executive director of the Moikom Zeqo Institute for guiding courageous young talents in Albania and beyond.
Paweł Zerka
Paweł Zerka is Director of Research at demosEUROPA-Centre for European Strategy: a Warsaw-based independent think-tank...
Edit Zgut
Edit Zgut is a foreign policy analyst at Political Capital, and a guest lecturer at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
Grzegorz Zieliński
Grzegorz Zieliński is Regional Director for Poland and the Baltics at the European bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)...
Gene Zolotarev
Gene Zolotarev is the founder and main shareholder of the Maximus Group. Prior to founding the Maximus Capital, he worked in the...
Martin Zsarnoczky
Martin Zsarnoczky, Ph.D is an entrepreneur and actively involved in community development. He is also a board member of the...
Karolina Zubel
Karolina Zubel is a project manager at the Centre for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in Poland. She focuses on EU funded...
Dariusz Żuk
Dariusz Żuk is President and Co-founder of Entrepreneurial Poland (EP) — a think tank operating in the area of entrepreneurship;...
Fabian Zuleeg
Dr Fabian Zuleeg is Chief Executive of the European Policy Centre.
Drago Župarić-Iljić
Dr Drago Župarić-Iljić is a sociologist, working as a research associate at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in...
Mateusz Żurawik
Mateusz Żurawik is Editor at the Polish edition of the Harvard Business Review and the Poland, Go Global magazine. He is also a...