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Moldova Business Week 2024: Millions in investment, innumerable opportunities

Moldova Business Week 2024, the country’s most important international economic forum, brought investors, entrepreneurs, and economic experts from over 20 countries to Moldova.  

Some 18 events held in four strategic economic regions – Chișinău, Bălți, Ungheni, and Edineț – facilitated successful collaborations, with several companies announcing new investments directly from the event platform. 

The forum highlighted key sectors with potential for growth and development, including the agri-food industry, automotive and electronics, energy and infrastructure, IT, tourism, non-residential real estate, the pharmaceutical industry, medical tourism, and the wine industry.  

Moldova Business Week 2024 created an ideal setting for networking, collaboration, and the exchange of best practices through thematic conferences, study visits, and B2B meetings, attracting a total of 2,136 in-person participants from over 20 countries, including Romania, Ukraine, Canada, China, France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, Croatia, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and Latvia.  

The event was watched online by 508,037 unique users, and among the participants were 562 representatives of Moldovan SMEs. 

During Moldova Business Week 2024 a new investment from ROCA Industry was announced – 1.5 million euros in the construction materials sector, along with the doubling of production capacity at the Vulcănești factory. 

EMS – EBS Electric, an investor from Romania, shared plans to open a new factory for electronic systems. 

BSW Tech launched a smart mobile app for farmers, designed to optimise agricultural activities and increase local farmers’ productivity, contributing to the modernization of the agricultural sector. 

In Ungheni, for the development of ecotourism, 20 hectares in the Plaiul Fagului Reserve have been allocated for the creation of hiking trails. This project can potentially attract international tourists interested in ecological and authentic experiences, thus boosting strategic investments in local tourism and fostering the region’s economic growth. 

In the pharmaceutical and medical tourism industries, a foreign distributor expressed willingness to sign contracts with two additional local producers. 

Additionally, during the forum dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry and medical tourism, a memorandum of collaboration was signed between the Moldovan Medical Tourism Association and the Moldovan Association of Pharmaceutical Producers, facilitating synergies for future initiatives. 

Brand Finance meanwhile presented the results of a global survey involving over 170,000 citizens worldwide, which ranked the country brand of the Republic of Moldova at 118th place in the Global Soft Power Index.

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies and organisations boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.