Russia is making common cause with Iran and its Persian Gulf neighbours in a bid to kickstart the much touted ‘new world order’, albeit at the risk of becoming entirely...
Saahil Menon
Saahil Menon is an investment analyst with a background in business economics and finance.
Had Georgia shown some initiative to curb inbound arrivals from Russia, much less implement a visa ban as Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have done, it would be on an...
The arrest of MEP Eva Kaili over Qatar-linked bribery charges goes to show that kickbacks and shakedowns are just as brazenly entertained in Brussels as elsewhere in...
EU leaders are strong-arming Serbia and Albania to tighten their visa regime while deliberately stonewalling the enlargement process. The European Union already has...
By not supporting the Baltics and Poland in their righteous quest to enact draconian travel curbs on Russians, Brussels has inadvertently set in motion the undoing of...
Western-led efforts to court the world’s largest democracy will not fly so long as dictates are imposed on New Delhi with imperialist undertones. As a founding member of...
A ban on Russian tourists would turn the tables by engendering an unprecedented exodus of Russian migrants with bruised egos to Central Asia. Ever since the Soviet...
Tbilisi is hell-bent on winning the hearts and minds of those at the helm in Brussels, albeit at the expense of parting ways with deep-rooted conservative ideals...
From boats capsizing off the Mediterranean coast to razor-wire fences being erected along national frontiers, the perilous journey émigrés embark on from their war-torn...
Those who lived through the dark days of communism have overwhelmingly consigned this evil doctrine and its proponents to the dustbin of history. Even a mere recount of...