Moldova was the poster-child of the Eastern Partnership during 2013-14. Since them, much time has passed and the mesmerising attraction of its political class has almost...
Articles which appear under the headings ‘Opinion’ or ‘From the Editors’ are the opinions of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect Emerging Europe’s editorial policy.
When the EBRD was created in 1991 to help the shattered economies of the former Soviet bloc, it was well known that these economies were massively inefficient in their...
The pension system in Romania was transformed into a multi-pillar system only in 2007-8, after two decades of democracy, although there have been many attempts to reform...
The South Caucasus has a strategic locational advantage by connecting Europe with Asia and the Middle East. After the collapse of the Soviet Union three internationally...
The aerospace sector worldwide is today steadily and rapidly regaining its technological glamour and high business attractiveness, involving not only old and new players...
According to Eurostat demography forecasts, the population of Europe is rapidly growing. The details of demographic research results clearly show that within the...
Bulgaria is increasingly attracting the interest of foreign investors and the country currently has five or six possibilities of bringing in a large car manufacturer. At...
In Hungary, as in the rest of Europe, there are two broad factions. One emerged in the 1990s, following the fall of the Soviet Union and the signing of the Maastricht...
The financial industry is undergoing a revolution. And I do not mean the ascendency of the fintechs, undermining the monopoly of the banks, or at least influencing their...
After the fall of the Iron Curtain, when emerging European countries began implementing market economy principles, the region was seen as a low-cost manufacturing...
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last week extended the list of companies subject to economic sanctions by including the Ribnita Steelworks (MMZ) – one of the...
I decided to emigrate from the United States because of its pervasive car culture, rampant consumerism, wholesale privatisation of nature and aggressive militarism...