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Chişinău set for the Netherlands-Moldova Business Forum

The forum is a landmark event is dedicated to enhancing economic and trade relations between the two countries.

While addressing the immediate challenges arising from the conflict in Ukraine, Moldova remains steadfast in its commitment to implementing a comprehensive development reform agenda aimed at bolstering its economic transformation.

Moldova, with its open stance towards attracting investors and strengthening trade relations, has emerged as a reliable destination for European businesses. Among the country’s key trading partners is the Netherlands, which ranks 19th among the Republic of Moldova’s global trading partners, contributing to 0.97 per cent of the total trade value. In the first two semesters of 2023, Moldova-Netherlands trade reached 62.2 million US dollars.

Discovering the factors that have enticed the Dutch business community to select Moldova as a trade partner will be a central focus at The Netherlands – Moldova Business Forum, scheduled for October 4-5, in Chişinău.

This landmark event is dedicated to enhancing economic and trade relations between the two countries and marks the first of its kind since the official opening of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Chişinău.

The Netherlands-Moldova Business Forum: Fostering economic relations 

Moldova’s rapid business environment transformation, driven by its reform programme and EU candidate status, has opened the door to new commercial prospects.

The Netherlands – Moldova Business Forum promises to shed light on the compelling reasons that have drawn Dutch businesses towards Moldova, showcasing the country’s determination to provide a conducive environment for international trade, investments, and collaborative ventures.  

Dutch investors—providers of capital, expertise, and innovation—find in Moldova a source of talent, geographical proximity, political advantageous context (EU candidate status), skilled labour at competitive costs, cost-effective production optimisation, a friendly tax system, and know-how that fuels a dynamic and rising economic relationships. 

To date, 22 bilateral agreements have been inked between Moldova and the Netherlands, covering diverse cooperation areas: agriculture, energy, IT, labour etc.   

The platform serves as a crucial avenue for businesses, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to come together, explore opportunities, and strengthen economic relations between the Netherlands and Moldova. 

The Netherlands-Moldova Business Forum: Connecting businesses and policymakers  

Participants at the forum will have the opportunity to interact directly with government officials and entrepreneurs from the Republic of Moldova, creating the ideal framework for presenting the country’s investment offerings and market potential, exchanging ideas, and establishing successful partnerships. Networking opportunities and idea exchange will play an essential role in turning this event into a catalyst for sustainable cooperation. 

The forum kicks off with an all-encompassing plenary session that delves into economic outlooks and the potential for collaboration between the two countries.

Following this, the agenda unfolds with hands-on workshops covering a range of subjects, encompassing tax procedures, recruitment, employment, finance, and banking.

Additionally, to provide attendees with a more deep understanding of potential local partners, economic agents will have the chance to engage in field visits to Moldovan companies, gaining valuable insights through firsthand information and documentation exploration.

The Netherlands – Moldova Business Forum can be joined online. More details here.

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.