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Warsaw Stock Exchange brings together Poland’s start-up ecosystem

The Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) hosted the GPW Venture Network Day, a unique event focusing on synergies between the dynamic stock market ecosystem and ambitious start-ups.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) has been actively involved in the Polish start-up ecosystem for several years. The stock exchange is where business comes together and, as such, it is the perfect place for start-ups to exchange experiences and meet VC funds. The mission of the stock exchange is to bring business together, and networking is the key to the development of start-ups.

With this in mind, on October 9 the GPW organised a unique event addressed to the broad start-up ecosystem: the GPW Venture Network Day.

“As GPW, we are friends both with start-ups working towards an IPO and with existing issuers looking for innovative solutions to strengthen their market position,” said Marek Dietl, President of the GPW Management Board when opening the event.

“The biggest companies, both domestic and foreign, present on our market increasingly understand that establishing cooperation and investing in young teams full of passion and ideas really makes sense.”

The event was attended by start-ups, accelerators, associations and foundations active in the start-up market, VC funds, business angels, companies cooperating with start-ups, industry media, and central and local government institutions.

The objective of the GPW Venture Network Day was to enable start-ups to present their solutions to potential investors and, at the same time, to enable the presentation of startup cooperation programmes offered by listed issuers.

Public institutions also presented their offer during the event. It was a unique opportunity for stakeholders in the startup ecosystem to establish valuable business relationships.

GPW Venture Network

The event featured the launch of GPW’s new initiative, the GPW Venture Network, the first project of its kind on the Polish market aiming to build a bridge between the start-up ecosystem and GPW issuers. The establishment of the GPW Venture Network is part of the implementation of GPW’s strategy for 2023-2027.

“The main objective of the programme is to support start-up projects in achieving their financial targets, give the participants access to networking, and create a place for the exchange of experiences and a platform for the creation of new directions for the Polish ecosystem,” said Ignacy Bobruk, Head of the GPW Venture Network and originator of the GPW Venture Network Day.

“In particular, the initiative will aim to facilitate the creation of relationships between stakeholders in the Polish start-up ecosystem. The programme is designed to broaden GPW’s offer by reaching companies at any stage of development, bringing together start-ups, VC funds, business angels, and accelerators. Animating the market will help its participants take advantage of the synergies generated by the collaboration of startups with leaders: key players in each industry.

“This approach creates unique conditions for increasing the innovativeness of key business players in Poland as well as conditions for the dynamic growth of innovative start-ups. Investors, including VC funds and business angels, will be able to effectively support the development of projects that have been positively validated by the market, thus increasing the chances for the emergence of unicorns on the Polish capital market.”

Tailored to market needs

GPW provided three stages, panel discussions, and a unique networking space for conference participants. An exhibition space was available for selected start-ups and members of the start-up ecosystem.

On the Pitch Studio stage, start-ups from various sectors had the chance to present their projects directly to renowned investors from Poland and the GPW Venture Network Day Programme Board, which brings together representatives of stakeholders in the start-up ecosystem and was set up to tailor the event to market needs.

On the Reverse Pitch Studio stage set up on GPW’s Trading Floor, key companies listed on GPW and other entities running cooperation programmes for startups presented their goals, in particular the principles of cooperation and the offer for start-ups.

The Discovery Studio stage presented the latest and most important trends that define the world of innovation. This thematic stage was the venue for the presentation and summary of the Startup Poland Foundation report If not CVC then what?. The industry leaders participating in the panel discussions raised the topics of foreign cooperation, expansion, and the current challenges facing the Polish innovation ecosystem. 

The Networking Area provided an opportunity to establish direct contacts with innovators, entrepreneurs and investors, and discover new opportunities for collaboration. The space gave a chance to find potential business partners, exchange experience, and build new relationships in the dynamic environment of the Polish start-up ecosystem.

The GPW Venture Network Day is an ambassador event for Europe’s largest start-up event, Viva Technology, an annual technology conference dedicated to innovation and start-ups held in Paris.

Photo: Marcin Kmieciński PAP / GPW.

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