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Ukraine rebuilding task force equips professionals for reconstruction

The Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force (URTF), a ten-month international educational programme launched in September 2023 by Estonia’s Visionest Institute, aimed to equip Ukrainian professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to contribute to the country’s reconstruction efforts following the war.

Hundreds of Ukrainian specialists—architects, engineers, marketers, legal professionals, and economists—actively participated in the program, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to the country’s reconstruction efforts.

The programme culminated in a grand ceremony in hybrid format on June 26, 2024, in Kyiv, Ukraine, celebrating the achievements of its participants. 

The programme envisioned several key objectives: 

  • Equipping Ukrainian professionals with the necessary skills to collaborate with Western companies involved in Ukraine’s reconstruction. 
  • Enhancing their ability to market and effectively sell their services on the international stage. 
  • Leveraging digital mentorsʼ expertise to bolster their online presence and service visibility. 
  • Establishing regional teams and empowering them to create actionable plans to attract international actors. 
URTF by numbers:
  • Applications: Over 730 applications poured in from across Ukraine. 
  • Participants: A rigorous selection process shortlisted 300 participants, with more than 200 reaching the program’s finale and receiving an EU-recognised certificate. 
  • Digital Mentorship: Over 100 individuals benefitted from personalised support provided by digital mentors. 
  • International Expertise: The program drew upon the knowledge and experience of six international trainers from Estonia, Finland, Italy, the UK, and Germany, alongside a team of 20 digital mentors. 
  • Investment Projects: Five well-defined investment projects were developed by regional teams under the guidance of mentors from Germany, Estonia, and Finland. 
Early success stories and donor recognition 

The URTF programme yielded exciting results even before its official conclusion. A participating construction company, Alexander&I, successfully secured a tender from the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) to construct houses in the Zhytomyr region. This early success story stands as a powerful example of the programme’s effectiveness in equipping professionals with the skills and connections necessary to contribute to reconstruction efforts. 

The grand finale ceremony witnessed a heartwarming display of support from donors and partners who addressed the program’s alumni with inspiring words. Among the esteemed guests were Karrie Peterson (Team Lead at the US Department of State, US Embassy, Kyiv, Ukraine), Triin Parts (Advisor at the Estonian Embassy in Kyiv), Margus Gering (Head of Cooperation and Development for Ukraine, Estonian Centre for International Development), and Oleksiy Hrushetskyi (Deputy Director, Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office).

Their presence and words of encouragement served as a significant morale boost for the program’s graduates, solidifying the international community’s commitment to Ukraine’s reconstruction. 

A look ahead: Building a brighter future 

The Ukraine Rebuilding Task Force stands as a beacon of hope, not only for the immediate reconstruction efforts but also for Ukraine’s long-term prosperity. By equipping Ukrainian professionals with the necessary skills and fostering collaboration between various stakeholders, URTF has laid the groundwork for a sustainable and successful rebuilding process.

The programme’s impact extends beyond the immediate projects—it has empowered Ukrainian specialists to become active agents in shaping their nation’s future. As these graduates leverage their newfound knowledge and connections, Ukraine can confidently move towards a brighter tomorrow. 

This content has been produced in collaboration with a partner organisation through our Global Visibility Programme. Our programme helps companies boost their digital presence and strengthen the thought leadership of their experts. Find out more here.