
Former Slovak president launches new party

As previously announced in April, former Slovak president Andrej Kiska has launched a new pro-EU political party, aiming to provide an alternative to the ruling Smer party.

“This is not a party of one person, this is a team of the best people for Slovakia,” said Mr Kiska after the launch of his party Za ludi (For the people).

Even after the murder of investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, which led to the resignation of prime minister Robert Fico, Smer has remained the most popular party in Slovakia. Mr Kiska was among those who protested against the perceived impunity of businessmen with links to the party.

“We are facing a challenge: Smer is ready to team up with Marian Kotleba to stay in power. It’s important for those who want to return Slovakia to all people after years of one-party rule to work together. We are angry, we are disappointed, we know what to do and we want to do it,” he continued.

The new party aims to improve healthcare and the education system and to boost environmental protection.