
Emerging Europe Talks Technology (Modern Communications) with Victoria Masso

Technology behaviour victoria masso

The coronavirus that kept people contained in their homes for three months has already reoriented our relationship with the outside world and with each other, and will have an enormous impact on how we interact, how we do business and how we use technology to replace our habits and basic needs such as building and maintaining relationships with other people.

On top of that, the pandemic came when humanity was already struggling to communicate, mainly due to fast-paced technological advancements. How to define modern communication? How to link human interactions with inhuman technology? What skills to acquire to be able to better communicate in the future?

Andrew Wrobel speaks with Victoria Masso, the founder of Behaviour Hackers. Victoria is an international trainer based out of Birmingham in the UK. She’s been working on building bridges between technological advancements and human interactions using behavioural science.

She has received special recognition by the UK government as an exceptional talent in the technological sector and has consulted on how to accelerate digital innovation all over the world with the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations agency.

The Podcast is also available on Apple, TuneInGoogleSoundCloudAnchorBreakerPocket CastsOvercast, and Radio Public.

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