Historically, Poland has not been a major destination for migrants, but the country’s growing economy has become a significant pull factor. That success creates...
Andrew Wrobel
Andrew Wrobel is the founding partner at Emerging Europe and the lead of Tech Emerging Europe Advocates
Fly on an aeroplane and there’s only a one in a million chance of an accident. In healthcare, one in 300 patients is harmed during their healthcare journey...
In today’s economy, the availability of talent (now and in the future), talent retention, as well as the capacity for innovation are far more influential than geographic...
The world doesn’t need another start-up from Silicon Valley—it needs your start-up right here, in emerging Europe. “It’s always very rewarding to receive [enthusiastic]...
In the face of adversity, a new wave of Ukrainian female entrepreneurs is redefining success and driving innovation. In these challenging times for Ukrainian...
In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to work effectively as a team, both internally and with other stakeholders, has become more important than ever...
The 2024 K.E.Y Platform offers a solution to balance power and ambitions in the Pacific. China has just ended two days of war games around Taiwan in which it simulated...
Looking beyond emerging Europe can offer a new perspective on how our region can improve. This week brought me to Nairobi, Kenya’s capital and largest city with a...
Chişinău in Moldova, a country sandwiched between Ukraine and Romania, with a population of 2.5 million, could be Europe’s next outsourcing champion. Atlanta was this...
Stereotypes are like old, worn-out labels that people slap onto others without really thinking. They’re based on the idea that everyone in a certain group is the...
Initial resistance from medical professionals towards AI has been overcome by working closely with doctors to develop technology they want to use. “Doctors should...
Investors and venture capital funds ignoring female founders are simply acting to the detriment of their own businesses. Earlier this week, I joined EIT Food and...