
Czech parliament rejects lawsuit against President Zeman

A lawsuit against Czech president, Miloš Zeman (pictured above), approved by the country’s senate for alleged violations of the constitution, has been rejected by the lower chamber and it will not reach the Constitutional Court.

Only 58 out of 130 deputies voted in favour of the lawsuit, while the ruling ANO and Social Democrat parties, along with the Communists and the far-right SPD party, claimed the lawsuit to be unfounded. ANO said that the senate proposal was “very confusing and inconsistent”.

Early in July, the senate accused Mr Zeman of failing to act in line with the constitution in eight cases, including a repeated failure to appoint proposed government ministers. Mr Zeman could have lost the presidency if a three-fifths majority had voted against him in parliament.

Mr Zeman has always maintained that his actions were not against the constitution.