
Kosovo’s firebrand playwright: Elsewhere in emerging Europe

Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them here, however, does not necessarily mean that we agree with every word, nor do they necessarily reflect Emerging Europe’s editorial policy.

Kosovan firebrand Jeton Neziraj: ‘Theatre should side with the victims’

His plays have brought threats, vandalism – and international acclaim. Now the fearless dramatist is retooling Ibsen to lay bare corruption in his homeland.

Read the full story here.

In Georgia, it’s open season for the far-right

Georgia’s far-right movement has been growing in recent years, presenting a dangerous threat to the Jewish, LGBTQ and other non-Georgian Orthodox communities.

Read the full story here.

Bosnia is at risk of becoming a failed state. Does the EU want that on its doorstep?

Europe needs to show the Balkan states bravery and vision, not shut them out.

Read the full story here.

Chicken ‘billionaire’ Poland is Europe’s poultry king

Poland’s poultry industry has come a long way over the last decade. The country is now Europe’s top chicken producer and exporter, having raised more than a billion chickens for meat last year, according to Statistics Poland – or 10 times more than in 2009.

Read the full story here.

North Macedonia’s post-Macron melancholy

In Skopje, North Macedonia, you can see the signs of this country’s efforts to get an invitation from the EU. Literally.

Read the full story here.

The clock ticks for Albania’s ‘demographic dividend’

Albania’s population is still comparatively young and the number of its elderly relatively low —but that could change fast.

Read the full story here.

Poland reacts angrily to Netflix Nazi death camp documentary

Poland’s prime minister has written to streaming company Netflix insisting on changes to The Devil Next Door, a documentary about the Nazi death camps.

Read the full story here.

Why was Moldova’s reformist government ousted?

When Maia Sandu’s administration was in power, Moldova’s justice system got too close to having its first independent prosecutor general – a risk that the country’s old corrupt elites could not afford.

Read the full story here.

Armenian civil society’s critical potential on target

Following the Velvet Revolution, Armenian civil society organisations face an increasingly difficult environment.

Read the full story here.

Veganism is thriving in Poland, but faces a conservative backlash

Poland has become a vegan hot spot, with Warsaw named the third most vegan-friendly city in the world. But, in a deeply conservative country, this challenge to traditional cuisine has provoked a backlash, with veganism seen as part of a broader threat to Polish culture, values and even religion.

Read the full story here.

Romanian cricket hero Pavel Florin denied visa to play in Australia

Melbourne club Surrey Hills says it will persist in efforts to bring over Florin, whose distinctive bowling style delighted the world.

Read the full story here.

Estonian craft brewery opens pop-up bar in Beijing

Estonian craft brewery Põhjala has opened a pop-up bar in Beijing, serving 10 types of draught ale.

Read the full story here.