The return of Trump to the United States presidency raises legitimate concerns for both the European Union and the Balkans. These concerns primarily revolve around...
Alon Ben-Meir
Dr Alon Ben-Meir is a retired professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He taught courses on international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies for over 20 years.
The UN, which was established to foster global peace and stability, has now become a paralysed institution that inadvertently contributes to raging conflicts because it...
Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s consistent efforts to assert Kosovo’s sovereignty over the predominantly ethnic Serb municipalities do not bolster Kosovo’s...
Both Kosovo and Serbia must agree in advance that the purpose of the negotiating process, the ‘give-and-take’, is mutual recognition. The US Ambassador to Kosovo...
Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who needs to maintain public calm, should not casually talk about a potential war against Serbia. This only heightens internal tension in...
The EU’s decade-long strategy of making Serbia and Kosovo’s European integration conditional upon mutual recognition has failed. Since Kosovo declared its independence...
It’s time for the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo to come to their senses and accept certain realities that neither can change. They are stuck and should recognise that...
Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti is still wallowing in his obsession with Serbia and seems to never understand that Kosovo’s independence, security, and well-being do...
Albin Kurti was elected on the premise that he would attend to Kosovo’s socio-economic malaise, lift its people from ashes of the war, give them hope, and restore their...
It is naïve to assume that given the current geopolitical conditions in the Balkans and the psychological dimension of the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia that a...
It is time for Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti to wake to the reality in which he finds himself and demonstrate the statesmanship and the vision to do the right...
Turkey has the potential of becoming a great regional and global power, but first Erdogan must get out of the way. As the Turkish people go to the polling stations on...