Despite relatively positive economic indicators, Azerbaijan faces several challenges in its diversification efforts, with the country’s heavy reliance on the oil and gas...
Craig Turp-Balazs
Craig Turp-Balazs is the editor of Emerging Europe.
Positioning itself as a premier hub for innovation in the renewable energy sector, Stara Zagora is leveraging natural advantages with forward-thinking strategies to...
Armenia’s ability to diversify its sources of foreign investment will be key to its long-term wellbeing, alongside the modernisation of key sectors such as agriculture...
Natural resources, and its sheer size, have made Kazakhstan Central Asia’s largest economy. If it is to compete globally, it needs to nurture a smarter, more sustainable...
While it may lack the glamour of other industries, agriculture is arguably the most crucial sector for the economies of Central and Eastern Europe. It employs millions...
As Uzbekistan pivots towards western markets, the UK is taking its first small, but key steps towards positioning itself as a leading trade partner. The headline numbers...
Bulgarians, Georgians, and Moldovans vote later this month in elections that come at a decisive moment for all three countries. Three key votes this month across...
Digitalisation is an increasingly important part of Moldova’s national brand. It’s no longer a country that simply makes great wine. Sometimes, just a short phrase...
Nine of the 11 EU members from emerging Europe will be very happy with the posts they managed to procure in the new European Commission. Hungary and Romania, both handed...
CEE is experiencing an economic overhaul driven by digital solutions that are revolutionising industries such as manufacturing, banking, and logistics. Investors who...
On paper, Georgia’s economy is doing relatively well. But a pivotal parliamentary election in October could significantly alter the country’s economic direction...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has shuffled his pack ahead of what he has suggested will be “an extremely important autumn”. Did he jump or was he pushed...