Disputes over language in Central Asia are being amplified by the Kremlin to validate its presence in the region. Two relatively minor incidents in Kyrgyzstan recently...
By placing environmental protection at the core of its operations, mining giant Nornickel is cleaning up what was hitherto one of the planet’s most polluted areas...
As the West beefs up sanctions against Belarus, Georgia has begun cooperating with its repressive State Security Committee – still known as the KGB...
An attractive income tax rate of just five per cent could be set to give Ukraine’s e-residency programme the edge over its regional competitors, and further boost the...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
Sportsmen and women often get a bad press for being selfish and self-centred. Polish javelin thrower Maria Andrejczyk this week became the latest to prove that is not...
Poland is now surpassed only by Germany in Europe when it comes to beer production. What’s the secret behind the country’s booming beer industry? Poland has...
In Central and Eastern Europe, the race is on to attract digital nomads, who bring not only money but expertise and know-how into local tech ecosystems. How does Serbia...
Pan-Turkism is seeing a revival as an increasingly ambitious Turkey asserts its influence in the post-Soviet world, setting off alarm bells in Moscow in particular. Back...
Germany, the largest trading partner for most countries in Central and Eastern Europe and home to millions of people from the region, will hold parliamentary elections...
Real estate prices in Kyiv have been skyrocketing in recent months, with little sign of the bubble bursting anytime soon. Take a drive through the Ukrainian capital...
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the subsequent Taliban takeover has increased the strategic importance of the five Central Asia states. Russia, China – and...