The 2020 sequel to Sacha Baron Cohen’s 2006 mockumentary about American culture through the eyes of a fictional Kazakh journalist was just as controversial as the first...
Culture, Travel & Sport
The countries of emerging Europe are incredibly historically and culturally diverse, while also offering some of the most stunningly unique natural formations on the...
No visit to Romania is complete without seeing the magnificent painted monasteries of Bucovina. Amidst often fierce debate regarding the amount of public money being...
Imprisoned twice on spurious charges by the Soviet authorities, Sergey Parajanov – claimed by both Armenia and Georgia – nevertheless managed to create one...
Bulgaria in 1989 was far more open than Albania, Romania or East Germany, but still posed challenges for visitors. Procuring soft drinks was one of them. Tourists from...
If Central and Eastern Europe is to continue moving up the value chain, it must take stock of what it can offer, and not be afraid to charge a fair price for it. And...
On the Estonian island of Saaremaa, Christmas trees are being recycled in the most delicious way: a craft gin distillery is using them to make a unique tonic water. When...
The Lithuanian city of Kaunas will be one of Europe’s Capitals of Culture in 2022. For many artists, it’s a chance to return to their Lithuanian roots. The...
Five short films selling holidays behind the Iron Curtain. Enjoy. Emerging Europe is currently preparing a major new report looking at the future of travel in the...
Albania on the cusp of change, chaos and civil war is the setting for the best memoir to emerge from the Balkans in decades. In March 1991, journalists from Italian TV...
Yes, the countries of emerging Europe have diverse histories and culture, much of which can be explored by visiting the countless and in many cases magnificent museums...
Poland has responded to the large numbers of refugees trying to enter country, facilitated by the Alexander Lukashenko regime in Belarus, by taking action against those...