Released in 1985, the epic Holocaust documentary Shoah won critical acclaim and several prominent awards. The film is now being reevaluated, however, not least the way...
Culture, Travel & Sport
At a time when we are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of harmful forms of cultural discourse, why can’t we have less stereotypical representations of...
Artists in the Kyiv district of Podil are taking a stand against police brutality against their community. In the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on May 15, what was meant to be...
A new book is challenging the idea that queerness in Serbia is a foreign concept, imposed on a traditional society by outsiders. Emerging Europe speaks to its author...
Where once Europe was divided, now a cycling route brings people together from across the world. Part of EuroVelo 13 and running through Austria, Czechia and Slovakia...
Romania looks set to join the growing list of countries offering so-called digital nomad visas to remote workers. Its minimum income requirement, of just over 1,100...
Azerbaijan is hardly the first country that comes to mind when it comes to cinema, although it does have a cinematic tradition dating back to 1898, when French-Russian...
The US architect Daniel Libeskind is bringing his unique version of urban regeneration to his hometown of Łódź in central Poland with a large-scale architectural project...
Let’s be honest: pyramids are not the first thing that come to mind when thinking of Bosnia and Herzegovina. But one Bosnian town is increasingly proud of its...
Belarus may have a puritanical president whose increasingly repressive regime tolerates little dissent, but the gamblers who throng from neighbouring countries to its...
A new documentary is shedding light on the events that led to the disturbing murder in 2000 of Georgiy Gongadze, a prominent Georgian-Ukrainian reporter. It is also a...
Plans for a monument commemorating the 1921 Silesian Uprisings have led to a dispute in Opole, a city in southwest Poland. The Silesian Uprisings were a series of three...