What happens to weapons when war ends? Often, they end up in the hands of criminals and terrorists. A HALO Trust project in Bosnia and Herzegovina is making the...
Tag - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Throughout Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, the Covid-19 pandemic has compounded existing democratic flaws, including weak checks and balances, persistent...
Corruption is undermining health care systems and contributing to democratic backsliding amid the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Transparency International. Persistent...
Russia wants to prevent Bosnia and Herzegovina joining NATO and the EU at all costs. In December 2020, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was publicly snubbed by two...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
A lack of long-term solutions and safe routes to Europe has once again created a humanitarian crisis on the EU’s borders. A number of leading human rights...
Each year, UNESCO adds more aspects of traditional culture to its Intangible Heritage list. We look at seven from the emerging Europe which made the cut in 2020. A few...
With the Western Balkans scrambling to procure Covid-19 vaccines from multiple sources, the EU steps in to offer a helping hand. The six countries of the Western Balkans...
Organised crime gangs in the Western Balkans are increasingly acting with impunity owing to a fall in the number of successful convictions. While prosecution rates for...
Covid-19 could have seen Europe’s start-ups retreat into their shells, to wait for the worst to pass. Instead, many have been spurred on to achieve new milestones...
Looking for cheap, reliable internet? Most of emerging Europe and Central Asia can deliver. You might want to swerve Turkmenistan, however. The cheapest individual...
Much of emerging Europe is at risk of corruption in the defence and security sectors, according to new research from Transparency International. Decades of progress...