To achieve high-income status, middle-income countries in Europe and Central Asia must prioritise reforms that will foster the infusion of capital, knowledge, and...
Tag - Moldova
The cost of further EU enlargement will be high. But the cost of not enlarging the Union—both economic and geopolitical—could be higher still. European leaders...
Counterfeit and contraband tobacco products represent a bigger health hazard than regulated tobacco, while porous borders are a security risk for NATO’s eastern...
Entrenched corruption and weakening democratic institutions in the region can frequently be attributed to the dismantling of critical checks and balances. Extensive...
For the first time in three decades Moldova holds undisputed leverage in its relationship with Transnistria. The choices made now will define the country’s future...
Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the EU made enlargement a dirty word. Poland needs to make it not just acceptable again, but essential. Outlining Poland’s...
Will the EU be able to pick up the slack should the Donald Trump administration reduce or end support for Ukraine? Is Warsaw’s mayor about to become Poland’s...
From Ukraine’s ongoing resilience in the face of Russia’s brutal aggression to rigged elections in Georgia, political stalemate in Bulgaria, and the shooting of...
Everyone loves Christmas, everyone loves awards. Awards at Christmas therefore are just about perfect. Emerging Europe this week named the winners of its 2024 awards...
Data show a significant slowdown in new foreign greenfield investment in most countries of the region: only Moldova has seen an increase. International investors are...
That the three Baltic states are the most tech-savvy administrations in emerging Europe will come as a surprise to nobody. Less well-known is that Moldova and Ukraine...
Moldova is an example for other small countries tethered economically to Moscow—reorientation of the economy is not just possible, but essential. Tethered for decades to...