Ştefan Kovács is one of the greatest soccer coaches who ever lived. Unfortunately, few of today’s young Romanian football fans have ever heard of him. Winner of...
Tag - Romania
Lockdowns are gently being eased across emerging Europe, not least in Lithuania which this week started reopening cafes, bars and restaurants, albeit under very strict...
The European Public Prosecutor Laura Codruţa Kövesi has been named as Emerging Europe’s Public Figure of the Year. Currently the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s...
With some notable exceptions, curves are beginning to flatten across emerging Europe, both in terms of the number of people infected with Covid-19 and the number of...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
If you are running out of things to watch on Netflix (it can happen) then it might be worth bearing in mind that for those of us living in the Balkans there is a (fully...
Not content with throwing new challenges such as Covid-19 at the world, fate now appears to be replaying some of its old hits. Much of emerging Europe is facing a...
We can in all reasonableness expect a vaccine against Covid-19 to go into general production by the end of this year, perhaps far sooner. What we can never alas expect...
The number of coronavirus infections and deaths remains relatively low throughout emerging Europe in comparison with most western European countries, and two, Czechia...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, one of Bucharest’s most eye-pleasing buildings. It has never been open to the public, has never been on the tourist trail...
People’s rights are being violated by governments in Europe and Central Asia, who are cracking down on protests and seeking to erode the independence of the judiciary to...