Secular policies alone are unlikely to shield malleable Tajik youth from the hiring spree Salafist Militia Groups have embarked on across Central Asia. The upper house...
Tag - Tajikistan
Union before corridors: How the European model can serve as a blueprint for the Trans-Caspian region
The EU’s embryonic start, the European Coal and Steel Community, created the core elements of energy and industrial development in a single market. The Trans-Caspian...
Emerging Europe speaks with Madina Pulotova, CEO of Jahoni Mo, an NGO playing a crucial role in Tajikistan’s transformation from a rural, agricultural economy to a...
Central Asia is expected to see a slight decline in growth from 5.7 per cent in 2023 to 5.4 per cent in 2024, but will still see Eurasia’s highest levels of...
Catch up quickly with the stories from Central and Eastern Europe that matter, this week led by Volodymyr Zelensky asking why Ukraine’s allies have not provided...
Landlocked Tajikistan recently featured prominently in two key reports—one highlighting its stellar growth and another naming it as one of the least democratic countries...
Unless democracies act urgently and consistently to uphold their own interests and values, more territory will be lost to dictatorship and repression. The fate of...
Tajikistan, at 6.5 per cent, is forecast to see the highest GDP growth rate of any of the emerging and developing economies of Europe and Central Asia in 2024. Economic...
The venture capital market in Central Asia and Caucasus region is undergoing rapid expansion. Recent research shows that venture financing in the region is growing 5.5...
Fossil fuels have long powered Central Asia’s economies but have also made the region vulnerable to price fluctuations and pollution. Can abundant renewable...
Referring to Central Asia as ‘Russia’s backyard’ is a mischaracterisation that denies the region’s agency and overlooks the complexity of its...
Low scores on the latest Corruption Perceptions Index in many countries across Eastern Europe and Central Asia reflect systemic governance deficits and a lack of...