Soviet-influenced curricula excelled at producing specialists in subjects that served centrally planned economies. As Central Asia’s economies reinvent themselves...
Tag - Turkmenistan
Central Asia’s cities remain unique, shaped by histories that link Turkic, Persian, Russian, and Soviet legacies. The question is whether their evolution can be guided...
Astana has struck a happy medium between neither antagonising nor warming up to an increasingly belligerent Moscow, while simultaneously cultivating stronger commercial...
From Ukraine’s ongoing resilience in the face of Russia’s brutal aggression to rigged elections in Georgia, political stalemate in Bulgaria, and the shooting of...
Surprisingly little is known in the West about the role of Central Asia in World War II. This scholarly but thoroughly readable work plugs that gap. Even though Central...
Assessing Turkmenistan’s economic health is made difficult by a lack of transparency and restricted access for international observers. Turkmenistan, a Central Asian...
Union before corridors: How the European model can serve as a blueprint for the Trans-Caspian region
The EU’s embryonic start, the European Coal and Steel Community, created the core elements of energy and industrial development in a single market. The Trans-Caspian...
Central Asia is expected to see a slight decline in growth from 5.7 per cent in 2023 to 5.4 per cent in 2024, but will still see Eurasia’s highest levels of...
Unless democracies act urgently and consistently to uphold their own interests and values, more territory will be lost to dictatorship and repression. The fate of...
Fossil fuels have long powered Central Asia’s economies but have also made the region vulnerable to price fluctuations and pollution. Can abundant renewable...
Two years after Serdar Berdymukhammedov replaced his father as president of Turkmenistan, hope that the younger man would reform one of the world’s most closed societies...
Referring to Central Asia as ‘Russia’s backyard’ is a mischaracterisation that denies the region’s agency and overlooks the complexity of its...