For Ania Tatou, Ukraine’s war has become a fight for her adopted homeland and a way to reclaim her identity. Her life is now woven into the fabric of the...
Tag - Ukraine Invasion
‘The next day, when the city and oblast councils all came down with bad cases of resolutionitis and started moving to have a referendum, join Russia, and entertain...
The stakes of the upcoming US presidential election cannot be overstated for Ukraine. In the meantime, it’s up to all of Kyiv’s allies to match its inspiring resilience...
These may be tough times for Ukraine, but negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow cannot take place until Moscow’s forces have withdrawn from Ukraine—all of it. ...
The fintech industry has been a key part of Ukraine’s resilience in the face of Russia’s brutal full-scale invasion. Andrii Kryvoshapko, CEO of NovaPay, part of the Nova...
You can read all of our coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including explainers and articles offering context and background information here...
Loose words from a senior NATO official suggesting that Ukraine might give up some of its territory in exchange for membership of the alliance have provoked anger in...
Ukrainian civil society has contributed immensely to Ukraine’s survival and defence, and these people will not back down until their country has won. When the Russian...
Propagandists have proven to be highly adept in constantly reinventing reality in autocratic countries, particularly Russia, where the fact that reality has constantly...
Taking it upon themselves to help end the bloodshed in Ukraine after futile mediatory efforts by Beijing and Ankara is a classic case of the Saudis letting their...
Opposition in Georgia to cultural and economic ties with Russia has served to remind a global audience that Moscow occupies not just part of Ukraine, but also Georgia...
In Georgia’s capital Tbilisi, a city which tens of thousands of Russians have made their home over the past 18 months, graffiti makes it abundantly clear what the...