When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, Romania, like many other EU countries, should focus on proper control of its macro-economic equilibria to relaunch economic growth...
Tag - World Bank
Almost half of the population in Central Asia is not digitally connected, missing out on employment opportunities, falling behind in learning and not receiving adequate...
Urbanisation can bring economic benefits to Central Asia, but formal and informal barriers to internal migration are hampering movement away from rural areas. The World...
We live in an increasingly digital Europe, where remote work is the norm for many. We must make sure that nobody is left out in the cold, writes World Bank Vice...
Latvia leads the EU when it comes to the number of women in science and tech. For some time the European Union has sought to improve its wide gender imbalance in...
As the Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis continues to spread, the amount of money migrant workers send home is projected to decline 14 per cent globally by 2021 when...
Uzbekistan is set to implement a national innovation system as part of its aim to join the top 50 countries in the Global Innovation Index by 2030. In the 2020 edition...
Just a few days before Moldova votes in a presidential election, United Nations Moldova has published and developed a Covid-19 response and recovery plan for the...
The Covid-19 pandemic is hitting North Macedonia hard, with lockdowns, disrupted supply chains, and a prolonged, adverse epidemiological situation darkening an already...
The World Bank last week published its latest outlook for emerging Europe for Central Asia, and offered some cautious cause for optimism: not least the prospect that...
Poland’s National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFEP&WM), in cooperation with the European Commission and the World Bank, has launched an...
Economies in the emerging Europe and Central Asia region are on course to contract by 4.4 per cent this year, the worst recession since the global financial crisis of...