Turkmenistan’s president, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, has become a figure of fun across the world thanks to his idiosyncratic, often surreal public appearances...
Tag - World Bank
Montenegro is set for the highest growth of any country in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2021, according to a new forecast from the World Bank...
Serbia is planning to spend more than three billion US dollars over the next decade to improve its crucial railway network. Serbia is intensifying its focus on...
A new digital platform could be set to increase connections between firms in the Western Balkans and regional and global value chains. A new digital platform that will...
The public and private sectors need to come together to ensure that the countries of the region continue to diversify their economies. Last year, the Covid-19 crisis hit...
Latvia is the only country in emerging Europe with a perfect score in the World Bank’s latest Women, Business and the Law 2021 report. Countries are inching toward...
Moldova’s farmers are set to receive a boost from a new project that should bolster the competitiveness of the country’s agricultural market. Moldova’s...
Kazakhstan needs to focus on delivering reforms for inclusive economic recovery and higher productivity to ensure a full recovery from the impact of the Covid-19...
The shrinking of the Aral Sea has been called “one of the planet’s worst ever environmental disasters”. Is there any hope for its recovery? And is the...
After a stellar 2019, 2020 was for Ukraine a year of dashed hopes. 2021 will see the country return to a variation on the pre-2019 norm: balancing between reform and...
The more we know about the past, the better we can prepare for the future. The 2008 financial crisis provides important lessons for policymakers planning the COVID-19...
With the exception of Belarus, all countries in emerging Europe and Central Asia should return to growth in 2021, but the World Bank’s latest forecasts come with...