In a world that demands constant adaptation, living with curiosity, awareness, intentionality, confidence, freedom, and discipline is an act of self-empowerment. When...
Latest Analysis & Opinion
The New Year That Never Came (Anul Nou care n-a fost), directed by Bogdan Mureșanu Just days before the end of 1989, the Romanian capital Bucharest is awash with rumour...
In a region of Europe that has often wrestled with volatility, Czechia’s path to prosperity hinges on steady progress underpinned by measured ambition. Are the good...
As Ukraine’s leaders have demonstrated, national resilience increasingly depends upon a government’s ability to maintain core functions online. Earlier this week...
Superhero Capital, a Helsinki-based venture capital firm, has announced the launch of its fourth fund, targeting 50 million euros to invest in early-stage software...
Hungary’s presidency of the Council of the EU made enlargement a dirty word. Poland needs to make it not just acceptable again, but essential. Outlining Poland’s...
Culture, Travel & Sport
With help from EIT Health, a team in Poland is reinventing the way we diagnose and treat mental illness. Mental health disorders, including depression and bipolar...