
EU launches infringement procedures against four emerging Europe countries

Big cranes in port of Koper in Slovenia

The European Commission has opened infringement procedures against Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania and Slovenia relating to the countries’ marine water obligations.

The commission has decided to send letters of formal notice to seven member states [including Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania and Slovenia] to ensure that public contracts in the hydroelectric power sector are awarded and renewed in conformity with EU law,” the commission said in a press release.

“A well-functioning hydroelectric power sector plays a strategic role in increasing the share of renewables in our energy mix. That is why we need to ensure a level playing field in the single market and guarantee that companies can provide hydroelectric power across the EU,” added EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska.

According to the commission, environmental impact assessments do not sufficiently comply with EU law. The countries in question have two months to respond to the EU’s complaints.