
Romania’s interior minister resigns after just six days in job

Romania’s interior minister, Nicolae Moga, announced on July 30 that he is stepping down after just six days in his post.

Mr Moga’s resignation follows fierce public criticism of the way in which the Romanian authorities handled the case of a 15-year-old girl who was raped and murdered in the town of Caracal, southern Romania.

Public outrage over the handling of the case grew on July 30 when a transcript of the calls the girl, Alexandra Maceșanu, made to the 112 emergency line, were made public.

The police operator who spoke to Maceșanu told the girl, who was being held captive by her rapist and murderer, Gheorghe Dinca, to hang up because she was “blocking the line.”

Mr Moga had been appointed to replace Carmen Dan, who resigned on July 15.