Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has called on the European Union to offer the country a “clear plan” and that the goal of membership remains...
Craig Turp-Balazs
Craig Turp-Balazs is the editor of Emerging Europe.
Covid-19 has made remote work more popular – and indeed necessary – than ever. Across the globe, millions of people are eschewing their daily commute...
Opposition parties in Kyrgyzstan have refused to accept the results of a parliamentary election in which two parties close to the country’s president, Sooronbai...
Albert Camus, one of the 20th century’s greatest philosophers but – in his youth – a distinctly average goalkeeper, once wrote: “only in a football stadium...
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is forecasting a deeper economic contraction and softer recovery in 2021 for its region, saying the fallout...
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has told the Georgian prime minister Giorgi Gakharia to “make full use” of all the opportunities to move closer to...
Local elections are rarely as important as those which took place in Romania on September 27, just two months before the country votes for a new parliament. The...
Across Romania, people will vote on September 27 in local elections that – in the absence of any reliable opinion polls – will provide the most accurate gauge of...
For music, as for much else, 2020 has been a bleak year. Festivals – ranging from large to small and everything in between – have been cancelled en masse...
The Covid-19 pandemic threatens hard-won gains in health and education over the past decade, especially in the poorest countries, a new World Bank Group analysis finds...
Barring total disaster in a time trial today, the last competitive stage of this year’s delayed Tour de France, a Slovenian will on Sunday ride into Paris to be crowned...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to drive a sustainable and transformational recovery that will give Europe a global platform to lead...