Political parties in North Macedonia have agreed to hold a parliamentary election on July 15, despite the country having yet to fully overcome the coronavirus epidemic...
Emerging Europe Staff
The byline Emerging Europe Staff is used to denote articles to which several members of the Emerging Europe editorial team may have contributed. It may also occasionally be used to protect the identity of staff reporting from conflict zones or discussing contentious issues.
The European Commission has launched a new web platform, Re-open EU, to support the safe restart of travel and tourism across Europe. The platform will provide real-time...
Lithuania is failing to make use of the unique opportunity given to it by being in the European Union, according to a new report looking at human rights in the country...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
The Lithuanian capital Vilnius, which has been making something of a name for itself over the past couple of months, coming up with a number of great initiatives to keep...
The global funding and trading platform Funderbeam has unveiled its new Funderbeam Venture Index, which enables investors to track price changes of tradable equity...
Captured waste heat from local industry in southern Poland can compete with fossil fuel plants to supply affordable heating for local homes through district heating...
Not one of the seven countries legally committed to adopting the euro (Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Sweden) currently meet all the...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved an 18-month Stand-by Arrangement for Ukraine worth five billion US dollars. The approval means Ukraine can receive an...
Start-ups from emerging Europe are set to be given the opportunity to leverage additional growth and expansion opportunities in the US thanks to a new project from...
The regional economy of emerging Europe and Central Asia is forecast to contract by 4.7 per cent in 2020, with recessions in nearly all countries, according to new...
Serbia and Kosovo appear to be edging slowly towards a resumption of talks that it is hoped will normalise the relationship between Belgrade and Prishtina. Both the Serb...