The Western Balkans are in a unique position because the region isn’t already shackled to gas infrastructure. The countries of the Western Balkans have enough...
The travel industry in Central and Eastern Europe was built on offering budget accommodation and low-cost (and usually poor quality) services to western European...
The concept of demographic resilience is equally relevant in low fertility regions such as Eastern Europe, and the high fertility countries of Central Asia. Solutions...
Global giants continue to view the Transylvanian city of Cluj as a key part of their technology and innovation strategy, and much of it has to do with the talent being...
A wave of initiatives is empowering female founders, igniting a surge of innovation and entrepreneurship. But more work needs to be done. The European start-up ecosystem...
Croatia boasts a diverse economy, with key sectors including tourism, manufacturing, agriculture, and energy. Growth in 2024 is expected to be amongst the highest of all...
Young Ukrainians have spoken, and they want more investment in education. As part of Emerging Europe’s major recent look at Ukraine’s education system, Ukraine’s War...
Kazakhstan is becoming a leader in cashless transactions, fuelled by fierce competition and a supportive regulatory environment. The number of fintech start-ups in...
Poland’s government last week confirmed that a major new transport hub in the centre of the country would go ahead, but on a greatly reduced scale. The future of...
Despite facing significant challenges, Slovenia’s economy remains robust. Economic growth in Slovenia has been resilient amid multiple shocks including the...
Sharp rises in real wages and private consumption are the main drivers of growth, but geopolitical risks remain significant. Although the international environment...
In October, Moldovans will vote in both a presidential election and a referendum on EU accession. Russia is doing all it can to influence the outcome. A chaotic scene...