
EU approves new budget support for Moldova

The European Commission has approved the disbursement of 14.35 million euros in budget support assistance to help deliver much-needed reforms that are being taken forward by the new government in Moldova. This assistance will support police reform, the fight against corruption and anti-money laundering, the modernisation of the energy sector and a more efficient and transparent public finance policy.

Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn said: “Today’s assistance package demonstrates the EU’s commitment to the Moldovan citizens, who have long demanded that such reforms are put in place. The Moldovan authorities are intensifying their work to combat corruption in an effective way and to guarantee the independence of the judiciary and prosecution services. This is vital for public trust and needs to move forward at full speed. The Moldovan people can count on the EU’s full support to accompany the process.” 

The European Commission resumed its budget support payments to Moldova in July, following a nearly two-year period during which such payments had been put on hold due to a deterioration of the rule of law in the country.

Following a change of government in June 2019, the Moldovan authorities have engaged in a significant and substantial structural reform process, which has provided the necessary conditions for the EU to resume its budget support and macro-financial assistance to Moldova.