Sanctioning aluminium from Russia looks impressive at first glance, but the harder you look the worse a decision it seems. The European Union has been rightly and...
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A demographic decline and eternal political instability threaten to slow Bulgaria’s economic growth. Bulgaria, despite facing numerous challenges (not the least of...
By prioritising education, Ukraine can build a strong foundation for a resilient society capable of facing future challenges. The implementation of reforms to ensure...
The fusion of technology and globalisation is transforming markets and rendering traditional economic models obsolete. Some smart CEE firms are taking advantage. The...
Romania’s transformation into a key logistics node has so far gone largely unreported. It’s time for investors to start taking the country seriously. While in the...
Both Kosovo and Serbia must agree in advance that the purpose of the negotiating process, the ‘give-and-take’, is mutual recognition. The US Ambassador to Kosovo...
Moldova’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Digitalisation Dumitru Alaiba talks to Emerging Europe about how the country’s ambitious digital...
No matter how much the EU tries to prove otherwise, imagining itself as the guardian of free media, the fact is not all journalists in the EU enjoy full democratic...
Six sectors could help Ukraine to succeed economically after the end of the war: renewable energy, rare raw materials, metal processing, mechanical engineering, the food...
In the sixth and final article in a series discussing an important weekend of elections for the emerging Europe region, Adam Hsakou looks at Slovakia...
In the next of a series of articles discussing an important weekend of elections for the emerging Europe region, Jana Juzová looks at Czechia, where...
In the fourth of a series of articles discussing an important weekend of elections for the emerging Europe region, Clara Volintiru looks at Romania, where the...