The 2020 sequel to Sacha Baron Cohen’s 2006 mockumentary about American culture through the eyes of a fictional Kazakh journalist was just as controversial as the first...
Tag - Film
A Polish thriller set amid a police crackdown on homosexuality in 1980s Warsaw sheds light on a dark period in the country’s history. The sun never rises on Warsaw...
Kill It and Leave This Town, a 90-minute animated film by Mariusz ‘Wilk’ (Wolf) Wilczyński, has won best full-length film at the International Animated Film Festival...
Animation in Kosovo was a decade ago viewed as little more than cartoons for kids. Now it is increasingly seen as a valid form of art, and it’s the change in...
At a time when we are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of harmful forms of cultural discourse, why can’t we have less stereotypical representations of...
Set during a bitter conflict in the early 1990s between Georgia and Russia-backed Abkhazian separatists, Tangerines has a message as pertinent today as ever: that ethnic...
The Orator, the full-length debut of director Yusup Razykov, succinctly and objectively captures the profound societal changes which communism brought on Uzbek society...
November 23, 1970, was supposed to be a relatively ordinary day for the US coast guard cutter Vigilant. That morning, the cutter was carrying a five member delegation...
The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) is one of the oldest A-list competitive feature film festivals in the world, joining the ranks of Berlin, Cannes...
During the coronavirus lockdown, here at Emerging Europe we recommend books, films, TV shows, albums and games from the region to provide entertainment and knowledge...
As the Covid-19 pandemic moves across Europe, most of us are staying safe and staying at home. As we dutifully practice social distancing, we find ourselves cooped up in...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...