While most adults across the world understand the gravity of the current situation, the implications of Covid-19 and the need to stay at home can often prove to be...
Tag - Poland
Here at Emerging Europe we have already pointed you in the direction of some great films and TV shows from the region you should binge on during the coronavirus...
Heavy air pollution found in some areas of CEE could make Covid-19 deadlier, experts are warning. The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) recently published a...
As western democracies scramble to contain the coronavirus crisis, authoritarian and populist leaders see the pandemic as a political opportunity. In Russia, Vladimir...
As incredible as it may seem in the current climate, with most of Europe on lockdown and national elections cancelled in Serbia and North Macedonia, Poland appears...
On paper at least, emerging Europe has not yet been as badly affected by the coronavirus pandemic as Western Europe. Both the number of infections, as well as the number...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
While the coronavirus pandemic might have forced almost the whole of emerging Europe into lockdown, this does not mean that we have stop enjoying cultural activities...
Anti-bribery enforcement is increasingly an international affair as agencies around the world continue to coordinate across borders in the investigation and resolution...
After years of rapid development, Central and Eastern European hotel markets had been catching up with those in their western neighbours, in terms of both investment...
Emerging Europe was set for an eventful political season this spring. A number of elections were scheduled for April and May, but the coronavirus pandemic has forced...
The first of our weekly updates – published every Monday – looking at the spread, mitigation and – hopefully – eradication of the coronavirus epidemic across the...