If ever there was a time for a rally around the flag moment, it is now. If we remain polarised, Russia is sure to take Ukraine, and anything else it wants to. Our...
Tag - Russia
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine The news in Central and Eastern Europe this week has been dominated by events in Ukraine, which was invaded by Russia on multiple...
For eight years, Ukrainians desperately pleaded to be heard. Instead, the world chose to see the victim of unprovoked and undeclared war through the aggressor’s...
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an attack on democracy and the rule of law. Ukrainians deserve our support, our solidarity, and must not be left isolated. In a different...
Vladimir Putin has unleashed an unprovoked attack on Ukraine, calling for the ‘demilitarisation’ and ‘denazification’ of the country. Russia has...
Non-committal for weeks, Germany acted swiftly following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to announce that it was pulling the plug on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. German...
Russia has formalised its occupation of parts of eastern Ukraine by recognising the independence of two entities created by the Kremlin in 2014. Russia moved closer to...
To understand modern Ukraine it’s worth learning about its past. Red Famine, Anne Applebaum’s magnificent book about the Holodomor, is as good a place as any...
Central Europe Czech passenger car production fell by 11.4 per cent year-on-year to 92,657 vehicles in January, posting its lowest result for that month since 2010 as...
In 1994, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan signed away their nuclear arsenals in exchange for security and sovereignty guarantees that increasingly appear to mean very...
Following a successful trial over the winter, any Norilsk resident will soon be able to monitor the city’s air quality. An emission monitoring system in Russia’s...
Moscow would love nothing more than to seriously damage the Ukrainian economy without having to fire a single shot. As I write, Russia is either beginning to withdraw...