Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Parimatch Tech, as well as other businesses operating in or originating from Ukraine, have faced challenges on an...
Tag - Ukraine
The European Union finds itself at an historical turning point. In fact, we may well have entered the era of ‘European permacrisis’ – a permanent state of crisis and...
CEE executives realise that they must seize the opportunity to transform their organisations, meeting challenges including geopolitical threats, rampant inflation and...
Schengen membership was only ever part of the solution to solving infrastructure problems in Romania and Bulgaria. Romania in particular needs more motorways. Even the...
Emerging Europe’s technology and innovation scene is thriving: new money and new ideas are coming onto the market all the time. To keep you up to date with the latest...
Only membership of both the EU and NATO can protect Ukraine and the collective West. The only thing Putin fears is power. For imperialist Russia (in this context, Russia...
You can read all of our coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, including explainers and articles offering context and background information here...
The latest edition of the Human Rights Watch World Report outlines some stark differences between emerging Europe’s EU and non-EU members. Emerging Europe’s...
NATO’s next boss, set to be chosen this summer, will need to be just as popular in Brussels as current secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg. One candidate –...
The first major economic forecast of the year – from the World Bank – is out. For most of the countries in the emerging Europe region, it doesn’t make...
Both the public and the private sectors are experiencing a level of disruption and risk that have not been seen in generations, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and...
‘If Putin wanted peace, he would take his soldiers home, and the war would be over. But apparently, he wants to continue the war after a short break.’ Easter...