Enigma. Decipher Victory, reveals the extent to which the input of Polish cryptographers made possible the breaking of Nazi Germany’s Enigma code during World War...
Milana Nikolova
Milana Nikolova is a junior reporter at Emerging Europe.
The picturesque Slovenian town of Piran has repeatedly fallen victim to climate change-related natural disasters. Local policymakers, scientists and everyday people are...
Lithuania’s many crowdfunding platforms are used to regulation: it gives them a ‘significant advantage’ as the EU opens the industry up. Earlier this...
Not every country in emerging Europe welcomed the OECD’s global minimum tax rate of 15 per cent. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s...
She’s been called the most famous French artist you’ve never heard of, but Sylvie Vartan has never forgotten her Bulgarian and Armenian roots. Sylvie Vartan...
Marek Dietl, the CEO of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, tells Emerging Europe that he believes a digital złoty is Poland’s best bet in the global digital currency race...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen recently called on the EU to increase its military capabilities, including the possibility of creating a European army...
Slovak singer Karin Ann is asking all the right questions, and attracting a following of young people who increasingly want answers. The 19-year-old performer Karin Ann...
The jewel in the crown of Warsaw’s music scene is its prestigious International Chopin Piano Competition, which takes place in the city every five years. Fryderyk Chopin...
A recent report by Europol and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) highlights the extent of Western Balkans involvement in the trade of cocaine from...
Croatia has set January 1, 2023, as the date on which it will make the euro its national currency, with Bulgaria set to follow a year later. But how realistic are these...
Following Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, and Poland here is the latest in our series of five unpopular opinions about the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. This week...