
Polish tech start-up Holo4Labs streamlines Covid-19 testing

holo4labs mixed reality goggles

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, demand for speedy and precise laboratory work has increased exponentially. Identifying this, Polish tech start-up Holo4Labs has developed a solution to speed up the process of Covid-19 testing, increasing accuracy and efficiency within testing laboratories.

With thousands of tests a day and pressure on laboratory staff, Holo4Labs has eased the process through the implementation of Mixed Reality (MR) goggles technology.


Through the goggles, users can access necessary databases hands-free, scan samples automatically, use voice commands and connect to lab equipment. This significantly eases the inefficiency of a laboratory testing process, minimising the risk of mistake. The software essentially acts as a hands-free portable computer where key information regarding the tests can be uploaded and analysed.

The solution also allows the performance of analytical procedures remotely, as well as fluid and fast remote communication, streamlining the entire laboratory process. It further means that lab workers do not have to manually input data as an automatic scan will direct them to the next step.

“The whole process of analysing the tested material is supported by our proprietary solution. The software automatically scans the sample and tells the lab what to do next,” explains the CEO of Holo4Labs, Przemysław Budnicki. “In addition, everything can be done under the supervision of an external supervisor, who is outside the laboratory can track the process and instruct staff as to the conditions for carrying out more complex and multi-stage procedures.”

The project was launched in June, and a crowdfunding campaign raised 1.2 million zloty in just 10 days. Holo4Labs uses MR goggles for a variety of tasks, from food and industry to pharmacies and software allows a more streamlined process of information access. The start-up was recognised by Emerging Europe as innovation initiative of the year in 2019, and has continued to apply its smart technology to meet new challenges.

This streamlined development in laboratory procedures shows the power of virtual lab tools, at a time where scientific efficiency is absolutely paramount. The success of the start-up has been mirrored elsewhere, for example at Imperial College London, medical staff were able to use MR to communicate remotely and help reduce the number of people required at the patients bedside, reducing the need for PPE.

Holo4Labs’ solution, along with other experts in the field, provide a promising image for the future of laboratory technology, just at the right time.

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