Croatia’s government adopted a National Reform Programme for 2018 on April 26, as well as a three-year convergence plan with three main goals: boosting...
Tag - Croatia
Emerging Europe’s best early-stage, scale-up and growth companies have until May 18 the opportunity to apply for the first CEE-Released programme, launched on...
Central and eastern Europe capital cities are clearly still all the same to some people.
Seen from Vienna, the strong economic upswing currently evident across much of CEE is particularly welcome. Austria is a small, open economy in the middle of Europe, and...
A major new study by the Open Society Institute in Bulgaria has revealed that amongst emerging European countries, Estonia has by far the highest level of media...
Five emerging European countries top a recent survey of Europe’s most noxious drivers. Motorists in the Czech Republic have the 6th lowest number of alternative...
Sometimes it only needs the right idea to change the world. People can invent extraordinary things not realising the extent of what they have in their hands. This...
The Czech capital Prague offers the highest quality of life of any city in Emerging Europe. The city is ranked 69th (of 231 cities worldwide) in a new survey published...
Bulgaria, as well as non-EU member states including Albania, Bosnia and Ukraine still do not meet the requirements of the Third Energy Package for the liberalisation of...
Estonia – by quite some distance – is viewed as being the least corrupt country in emerging Europe, according to the latest Corruption Perceptions Index, published...
Freedom of the press has proven, time and time again, to be an unpredictable and tumultuous factor in south, east and central Europe. Journalists are obstructed in their...
The CEO’s of central and eastern Europe’s six most important stock exchanges met in Prague on February 20 to discuss various means of extending co-operation between...