US President Joe Biden on June 14 made it clear that Ukraine still has some way to go before it can realistically hope for NATO membership. A former Polish president...
Tag - Poland
Bulgaria is hoping that an initiative offering free holidays to schoolchildren will relaunch its tourism industry. But for the sector to fully recover, foreign tourists...
US President Joe Biden’s chock-a-block European tour, the first foreign visit of his presidency, was meant to send a strong signal to democratic partners that the United...
Emerging Europe’s start-up scene is thriving: new money is pouring into the market all the time. To keep you up to date with the latest investments, innovations, movers...
Our weekly digest of articles about emerging Europe published elsewhere this week, all of which caught our eye and all of which are well worth your time. Listing them...
With Polish-Belarusian relations at their lowest ebb in decades, rereading a 2015 novel by Katarzyna Bonda, a Polish writer of Belarusian origin, is revealing. Polish...
Central Europe Poland’s Łódź region has announced that the European Union’s most polluting coal plant, Bełchatów, will close by 2036 and its mines by 2038. The news is...
A new health innovation hub in Warsaw is the first step towards creating a Polish Medical Valley, modelled on European clusters and ecosystems. Poland’s Prime...
Polish authorities claim that they are prepared to close Europe’s most polluting power plant by the end of 2036. Not soon enough, say environmental campaigners. Poland’s...
North Macedonia make their debut in a major international football tournament on Sunday, against Austria in the Romanian capital Bucharest. There’s a major...
Belarus is rewriting history to achieve political goals, and the country’s Polish community is paying the price. World War II is embedded in the mental and...
With more than half of its population now vaccinated with at least one dose of a Covid-19 jab, Hungary says the time has come to switch responsibility from the state to...